Are our Expectations of an Obama Presidency Taking Fruition?

To put it bluntly… “Oh boy.” It’s only been one week after the election has been over, and we’ve had one zinger after the other:

First, President Medvedev of Russia announced that he was going to try to have his presidential term extended by two years, giving him six, and the following President two terms of six years each. What’s expected to happen, is that Medvedev, the puppet of Vladimir Putin, will finish his term, allowing Putin to take his place. He would then have 12 years of Russian rule, which I expect would be influenced, heavily, by Putin’s KGB experience and love for Soviet Russia.

Second and at the same time, it had been realized by the United States, that Russia was deploying missiles near Poland. Medvedev claims that this is because he doesn’t trust the United State’s Missile Defense System in Europe, which would serve to protect Americans and it’s European allies from terrorists and those that would do them harm. They’re so paranoid to think that we have an ulterior motive in building a system in Europe to oppose them in some way.

These two instances occurred the day following Obama’s election, as reported by Fox News. Hrmmm, do they possibly think that Obama is a push over? They’re not even accounting for Bush’s remaining days as President, thinking of him as a non-factor. It seems that the Russians, and many other governments, feel that this is an opportune moment to make or design a strategy to move in their favor. I’ve feared for the past several months, since their invasion of Georgia, that Russia would try to move and implement a new unification of several states, under Russian rule. Possibly a return to the Soviet Russia, but maybe even a new Soviet Union? I suppose we’ll see what happens in the coming year or so.

The third event that occurred, and closer to home, is the sudden drop in the stock market. On November 5 (yep, a day after his election, again), as reported by Reuters the DOW dropped by nearly 500 points, marking the largest drop after a Presidential election EVER. Amazing, no? How’s that for Capitalism having faith in its’ newly elected President? I think that the majority of business people in this country realize that this guy is going to wipe out large/small companies with astronomical taxes and an enormous spending budget, which will create one of the largest deficits this country has ever seen.

This sudden drop of 500 points was followed by another drop of 400 points on the following day, November 6. That’s a drop of 900 points in two days, which occurred after a steady increase preceding election day. Yet again, more faith in our President-to-be. Something amiss here, isn’t it? Do you think somebody knows something we don’t? No… we all know it… about 17million Americans know it. The other half is drinking Kool-Aid and sticking their thumbs up their butts. Welcome to the new America, ladies and gentleman. Life vests and flotation devices are not available on this flight, so good luck and see ya’ in Hell! You can see the DJIA Greatest Daily Point Losses in this PDF. These two days are ranked #7 & #9 (Point Losses) and #6 & #7 (% Losses). Enjoy the misery that is to be!

Ok, so that’s an assault on two sides of the Barack Obama Presidency… but what else could possibly be at stake here? Well, how about this?

The fourth thing to consider, is that Obama has basically sworn to keep his promises to America… and by that, I mean he plans to spend like a maniac, while taxing the crap out of us. In just one week, he’s decided to go along with Nancy Pelosi’s proposal of a second stimulus package for consumers, to again… stimulate the economy. Like it worked before? I think not. Oh, but not only this, there’s more awesome news! It seems that Obama intends to bail out the Automotive industry, as well, since they’re a foundation of our economy… right?

Now, correct me if I’m wrong… but since when is a foundation of our economy a car company that can’t sell any cars? GM has dug themselves a nice hole to crawl out of, but the problem is… they don’t want to crawl out. They want to be carried out. Who do they want to carry them out? Oh, you know… the tax payers, of course! And who wants to allow that to happen? Well, Mr. Obama.. of course!

So, that’s two big spending bills in a row that the Obamanater would like to pass, bringing the tally to what? Well, we already dished out $25 Billion to the “big three” automakers in September. This new GM bailout would cost a measly $50 Billion and the stimulus package would cost anywhere between $60-$100 Billion, bringing the max potential cost of the new packages to $150 Billion, while already spending $700 Billion for the first bailout. Amazing, is it not?! I thought Obama was going to lower taxes for 95% of the country? Is that still going to happen? If so, is he going to tax small/big business 60-70%? Seems the only feasible thing to do, if he plans on balancing the federal budget. Just sayin’.

The fifth thing to happen is a trivial obstacle to most… but perhaps a problem of trust to some. In his first tet-a-tet with the sitting President Bush, Barack Obama talked about policies and current events. In an un-Presidential move, he actually leaked information (though, false) from the private and thought to be classified, meeting to the press. The result was an angry Bush and a new opinion of the worthiness of Obama. Is he truly acting like a “Chicago thug,” as President Clinton had claimed? I’d say so… it seems the only thing that Obama can keep a lid on, is anything damning to his personal reputation. Anything that comes out into the open seems to be beneficial or seemingly beneficial to him. As can be seen from his campaign and this recent event, he’s a liar… as Bush has made perfectly clear, when claiming the information leaked was false.

How can we take this President-elect serious? How can anyone trust him? I just don’t get it….

The sixth issue to come about is the cockiness of Iran. Apparently they felt it necessary to strut their political and military muscle along the border of Iraq, by testing missiles. Iran made it clear that their missiles could hit targets 1,200 miles away, and though used for defense, they could be used against opponents, such as Israel or America, in the case that one or the other attacks them. That being said, they claimed that they would attack American bases, even if Israel attacked them, of their own accord. Interesting…

What’s the relevance of this situation? Besides an increasingly militaristic Iran who wants to wipe the Israelis off the face of the planet? In a previous blog post of mine, I outlined the various countries/dictators/terrorist groups that supported Obama. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is one such person, and I see this as an act that shows he’s not afraid of a reaction from Obama. I believe he thinks that if he decided to attack Israel, we’d stand idly by, to allow Israel to fend for itself. Is this the message that Obama is getting across? If not, then why do these groups/countries/terrorists support him? I don’t get it.

The seventh issue is merely being planned and talked about… which is the closing down of Guantanamo Bay Prison and transporting the hundreds of war criminals/felons that are located there into the United States. Call me crazy, but that just irks me to no end. Not only this, but Obama wants to pretty much recreate the criminal system that these war criminals undergo… Who the hell does this guy think he is? He’s going to undermine every President preceding him and he’s going to change the criminal system for war, he’s going to tear down Capitalism, he’s going to negotiate and sit down with terrorists/dictators… I just don’t understand how it’s gotten to this point. Why in the world did you people elect this guy?

There’s more… in JUST ONE WEEK… but it’s getting late. I shall leave you with the thoughts on this page. Think about them… think about why Obama is President… think about what the next four years are going to be like and what you can do about it now. Oh, don’t worry… there’s much more to come. I assure you.

The Final 4 Have Arrived… With 3 To Go!

Yep, it’s that time of year again, which happens every four years anyway. Presidential debate time! Last Friday was the beginning of the big three (plus 1 for the VP debate on Thursday), we’ve been waiting to see for so long… since King Obama thought it best not to have 10 throughout the campaigning period. One word: unprepared. Unprepared for debating… unprepared for handling tough questions and certainly and undeniably unprepared for running the Presidential office and this fabulous country.

So, we had our first deb… our first argu… our first. Ok, I have no idea what happened last Friday, because all I saw were two guys at separate podiums agreeing with each other and forgetting their lines. I was extremely disappointed when the racing gates were finally lifted and the bucking broncos were set free. Honestly, much bucking was not had and broncos… they were not. They both looked exhausted and that doesn’t bode well for McCain, since he’s already perceived as a man on his death bed. It also didn’t help that he made fun of himself, when he referenced his age-old pen.

Not much was said… and what was said had already been established. When it came to economic issues, McCain faltered. He had chance after chance to call Obama out and be on the attack, but never did. He seemed weak and like he was going to lose. Obama didn’t really do any better, since he was supposed to crush McCain in economics. He made some weak points and pretty much steered clear around the issue of the $700B bill that was to be voted on over the weekend (and didn’t happen until Monday of this week).

The issue of foreign policy and international relations allowed McCain to recover his footing. With the forgetting of a fallen soldier’s name, Obama was put to shame. Of course, McCain still missed some jumping points, where he could have pummeled Obama to the ground, but I suppose we’ll have to wait for the fireworks in the next debate.

I came out of this thinking that both candidates debated poorly. They both showed their weaknesses and they both failed to bring their emotions to the forefront, allowing us to see who they really are and to see what makes them heated. I’d love to see McCain get angry… to show America that he can and will be a strong leader. I want to see someone who believes in what they’re doing for their country. I don’t want to see a repeat of last Friday, where neither candidate looks prepared to be President nor look like they care to be there. I want to see McCain talking down to Obama, as if he were a child who doesn’t know any better… because that’s exactly what he is; a child. He’s an arrogant, ignorant, two-faced liberal, who shouldn’t be running for President, due to the fact that he’s only there as a liberal politic tactic.

Anyway… Palin vs. Biden is going to be on Thursday. Hopefully we’ll see some life come out of that one! Here’s a schedule of the upcoming Presidential debates. I hope you watch them and I hope you get to know who these candidates really are:

1. First Presidential Debate: (Result: TIE)
Date: September 26 “ Site: University of Mississippi “ Topic: Foreign Policy & National Security “ Moderator: Jim Lehrer “ Staging: Podium debate “ Answer Format: The debate will be broken into nine, 9-minute segments. The moderator will introduce a topic and allow each candidate 2 minutes to comment. After these initial answers, the moderator will facilitate an open discussion of the topic for the remaining 5 minutes, ensuring that both candidates receive an equal amount of time to comment

2. Vice Presidential Debate
Date: October 2nd “ Site: Washington University (St. Louis) “ Moderator: Gwen Ifill “ Staging/Answer Format: Debate will consist of both foreign and domestic policy questions asked by the moderator. Format will be similar to the presidential debates.

3. Second Presidential Debate
Date: October 7 “ Site: Belmont University “ Moderator: Tom Brokaw “ Staging: Town Hall debate “ Format: The moderator will call on members of the audience (and draw questions from the internet). Each candidate will have 2 minutes to respond to each question. Following those initial answers, the moderator will invite the candidates to respond to the previous answers, for a total of 1 minute, ensuring that both candidates receive an equal amount of time to comment. In the spirit of the Town Hall, all questions will come from the audience (or internet), and not the moderator.

4. Third Presidential Debate
Date: October 15 “ Site: Hofstra University “ Topic: Domestic and Economic Issues “ Moderator: Bob Schieffer “ Staging: Candidates will be seated at a table “ Answer Format: Same as First Presidential Debate “ Closing Statements: At the end of this debate (only) each candidate shall have the opportunity for a 90 second closing statement.