Debt reaches record high of $13,868,461,000,000.00


Reagan added ~$1,859,575,960,187.32 (in 8yrs – under Dem. Congress)
Bush 1 added ~$1,554,057,922,952.06 (in 4yrs – under Dem. Congress)
Clinton added ~$1,395,974,529,060.68 (in 8yrs – under Rep. Congress)
Bush 2 added ~$4,217,261,484,712.43 (in 8yrs – ~$2,125,246,249,523.44 under Rep. Congress – ~$2,092,015,235,188.99 under Dem. Congress)
Obama added ~$3,536,898,133,979.30 (in 2yrs – under Dem. Congress)

Source: US Department of the Treasury

The national debt has consistently increased since 1958. Prior to that, the debt fluctuated, but no one had truly worked to decrease the debt since Calvin Coolidge in the mid-late 20s.

The reason why tax cuts alone will not decrease the debt, is because there’s excessive government spending and expansion.

Cut taxes and you stimulate economic growth in the free enterprise system that is capitalism. More business equates to more revenue to the government from taxes – less business results in less revenue. It’s simple economics.

People are in business to make money, not lose it. Companies who overextend themselves will eventually go out of business, thus, they look for the best possible circumstance to conduct business. Business owners think in terms of being cost-effective. If moving elsewhere to avoid high taxes means they can stay in business, then that’s what they’ll do. If that happens, government in that district loses money – be it a city, state or nation. This should be common sense to most people.

Carter expanded government tremendously. This lead to higher taxes, which lead to economic collapse. Reagan pulled us out of that collapse at a much faster rate than Obama is right now. Reagan lowered taxes and realized that government was the problem – Obama added more regulations, more expansive government, and more taxes to come, due to new legislation and overspending, and is under the assumption that government is the solution. One method is working – the other isn’t.

Reagan’s method will bring us out of this recession – but we need to stop spending and decrease government, as well. That’s the only thing that will lower the debt. Right now, our social welfare programming is bleeding us dry.

What’s the answer? Cutting popular government programming? As a matter of fact, yes. Cut Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid, as well as the Department of Education, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Homeland Security, the Internal Revenue Service, the Federal Reserve, federal funding to public radio/television and there are many others… The Department of Defense? Well, it could do with some shaving down… and we could certainly change course in several mission areas, but as of now, in the heated world that we live in, I wouldn’t cut.

The voters want low taxes… not higher spending – The government can’t help but spend, so they print & borrow. Despite what anyone in the Treasury might say… brace for inflation.

An Obvious Choice… Part 2 of 2 (Ideals & Policies)

I apologize for the delay in writing this second part of “An Obvious Choice…”, which should have followed the first part by a day, being that the election is on Tuesday. Unfortunately, I had been unwillingly detained by a group of liberals, who would do anything to keep me from posting more truths about the Obamallama and his Obamanation, ruled by several Obamacies. Alas, I have finally arrived on scene and am able to finish what I started. Today, on the eve of the election day, I submit to you part 2 of 2 (Obama’s ideals and policies), further argument about “the one” and why he is wrong for this country. Let’s have at it then…

1. First and foremost, when the economy is in such despair and dwindling into a recession, we absolutely have to look at his economic/tax policies. It would best be described by Obama’s words, “Spread the Wealth Around,” as seen in his discussion with Joe “The Plumber.”

This tax policy of his, where he would increase taxes on small businesses, would be detrimental to the downfall of the economy. At first, it was going to be any business that makes $250k/year, then he slipped and mentioned $200k/year on several occasions, then Biden came out and mentioned $150k/year… What is it? Can’t get your stories straight? What’s it actually going to be when you’re elected? From what I remember, you voted for raising taxes on people making $43k/year last year. Is that what we should expect?

I’ve argued my points about his tax policy on numerous occasions, and it always comes back to the point, where a Raeganomics and the trickle down effect (despite what Liberals will tell you) actually works. A friend of mine point it pretty bluntly, when he said “No one’s been given a job by a poor person.” Where do liberals think jobs come from? They come from big/small businesses. You punish the businesses, you punish everyone. More taxes equate to less income; less income equates to lower salaries, less employment incentives and more unemployment; lower salaries and less incentives equate to not being able to hold onto employees; that, in turn, equates to businesses being stressed and stretched thin amongst employees and possibly failing.

That’s not even the crux of the issue… Yes, the wealthiest people in the nation certainly do pay the most taxes already, but what Obama wants to do, now, is increase taxes and then give a check to 40% of the country. So, he’s basically taking from those that work hard for their money (anyone that’s built a small business from the ground up knows exactly what I’m talking about – putting in your 12-18hr days, working 7 days a week, struggling to make a buck and finally reaching that dream where you can hire employees, expand and see the money come in… hard earned money that you made by your own work.), and giving to the lazy; those that just work to get by.

Yes, he claims that he’s giving 95% of Americans a tax break, but in actuality, 40% of those don’t pay any taxes at all. The percentage that pays the most amount is in the top 5-10% already, while the tax rates decrease, based on an income tree.

No matter what Liberals claim, or what to believe, this is a Socialistic ideal. Obama wants to create a classless society, where everyone is “equal.” Everyone, but those in power, that is. You see, the people in the government will be able to say who gets what… they determine who gets your money, not you. As it stands right now, business distribute the money on their own… and it’s worked pretty well so far for over 200 years.

You can argue that he’s “not a socialist” all you want… It’s not that he’s a member of the Socialist or Communist Party, it’s that he has socialist tendencies and ideals, and that alone is dangerous. It’s obvious he’s a Democrat, as he’s on the Democratic ticket… of course, so are Pelosi and Reed, two people in the Senate already notorious for wanting to have an over controlling government.

2. Expanding on Obama’s economic policies, he also wants to dip his hand into your savings by altering your 401k plans; another reason for business owners and investors to get worried. For anyone with a 401k plan, get read to lose it in the event we have Obama as President, as that would mean no veto power, since the Democrats have control of the Congress and Senate.

What Obama and friends would like to do, is basically get rid of the ideas of 401k savings plans and make them taxable for further redistribution of wealth. You’ll no longer have your retirement planned out and secure, because you’ll be helping out the poor. What? You didn’t know you wanted to help out the poor, by unwillingly allowing the government to dip into your savings accounts and take your previously untouchable money used for retirement? Huh… Well, maybe it’s time to invest in real estate or a home safe… or a new mattress to stash your money.

3. On the same subject of economy, Obama has some interesting ideas about the coal industry, as well.  According to the Obamanater, he’s going to make it next to impossible for the coal industry to survive.  In fact, he mentions in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle in January 08, that he intends to “bankrupt coal-powered plants,” using a cap and trade system.  Basically, he’s going to punish the companies in this industry on the basis of greenhouse gasses “polluting” the Earth, despite a lack of evidence for such a claim, to the extent that it would put them out of business… due to astronomical fines.  What’s hilarious, is that he says “people can still start up coal-powered plants… but it will bankrupt them.”  That just cracks me up.

What kind of impact will this have?  First, it causes unemployment.  Second, it will make electricity (power) prices skyrocket.  How does he think this is going to help the economy?  It’s obvious that he has his own agenda and he’s not going to care what you think or want.  There’s no proof to support the Gore green house gas effect; there’s no proof that humans cause global warming… But since Obama wants it, Obama shall get it.  Why?  Because the American people are blind to his antics.  You’re just going to let him get away with this?  Destroy an entire industry?  Really?  An energy production industry?  Aren’t we in the middle of an energy crisis?  Let’s get our act together, please.

4.  And since we’re talking about the energy crisis… how does Mr. Obama feel about oil?  If you ask him, he’ll tell you the same thing that he tells you about coal.  Why?  Because oil is “dirty.”  It’s “unclean” and “pollutes.”  While people were struggling to pay for gas, and the oil prices were extremely high (the highest these prices have ever been), he was against drilling on our own soil or off our own coast, which would have had a significant effect on the economy and prices of oil/gas, as a whole.

I believe Obama has watched Gore’s faux documentary one too many times, because he seems to be afraid of any natural resource that America has to produce energy.  Oil?  We have it, but forget it… we need to get away from these polluting natural resources.  Coal?  We have it, but forget it… it’s too dirty… greenhouse gasses!  What’s next?  Natural gas?

Yes, Obama wants to develop and utilize new forms of energy, just like everyone else, but he doesn’t want a bridge from what we have and utilize now to what’s new.  Apparently he doesn’t realize or understand that most of the American automobiles, heating & a/c units, etc. use the resources that we currently have plenty of.

5.  Now that we’ve covered energy, let’s dip our minds into another socialist ideal… nationalized health care.  Yes, Obama will tell you that it’s not “nationalized,” because you’ll have an “option” to “stay with your current health care plans at your businesses,” but you’ll also have the option to be under the “federal health care plan, the same plan that he and John McCain have.”

Ok, first of all?  From what I’ve heard from several people working for the government… the federal health care plan already sucks.  Second, Obama is flat-out lying to you, if he’s saying that it’s not “nationalized health care.”  He shares the same ideals with Hillary about it, and that means that your taxes will be used to fund everyone’s healthcare.

We’ve heard McCain call Obama out on several occasions about a fine associated with businesses, who won’t offer health insurance, assuming they feel that the national health care would be enough for their employees (what else would they need, right?).  Well, it is laid out in Obama’s plan, but they don’t call it a fine, they simply state, “Large employers that do not offer meaningful coverage or make a meaningful contribution to the cost of quality health coverage for their employees will be required to contribute a percentage of payroll toward the costs of the national plan. Small businesses will be exempt from this requirement.”  They call this an “Employer Contribution.”  Of course, they don’t define what “Small Businesses” actually are, but from what Obama’s been saying about taxes on businesses $250k to $200k to $150k, etc… maybe they’re just holding off on telling us until he’s elected.  He also doesn’t state what the exact contribution will be… leaving that open, obviously, for later debate.

This man, who has studied the communist manifesto, Marxism and who has obviously talked with Marxist-Leninists like Bill Ayers, has borrowed ideas that he thinks can be applied to America, just like so many other countries have done before… and failed in their policies.  Just look to Canada, France, Italy, England or even Cuba to get an idea of how nationalized (read: socialized) health care works.  It’s limiting, and when something like medical care is limited, you prevent progress and the ability to create.

There’s a reason that the United States has one of the best (if not THE best) health care systems in the world, and why so many people from all over the world come here to be treated for different ailments.  It’s because private companies/associations run the medical systems.  When Government gets a hand on things, they’ll be able to dictate what should be covered under insurance, what treatments should be practiced, who can get what, and they’ll also be able to determine salaries for doctors, etc.  No thanks.  Soon, we’re going to look a lot like Canada.

6.  While we’re on the topic of health/health care… let’s take a minute to understand what Barack “The Fetus Terminator” Obama thinks about abortion.  Well, he supports it… in fact, he supports all facets of it.  If you get pregnant by mistake and it’s the first trimester?  Get an abortion!  Second trimester?  Get an abortion!  Third?  Get an abortion!  Wait, what if my baby survives an abortion?  Meh, throw it away!  You don’t need to save it… why would we “punish” you for having a baby that survived an abortion?  That’s just crazy talk.  It’s a very responsible plan.

Support Obama and you essentially support a baby killer.  Enjoy!  Oh, and when he says that he’s for an abortion in the case that the health of the mother is a concern, he leaves “health of the mother” pretty open.  That could mean that she received a cold during pregnancy…  Yeah, I can see how sinister Republicans are… with their evil pro-life sentiments.  Please…

7. In a world, where terrorists know no bounds and they’ll attack at a moment’s notice, anywhere on the Earth, it’s important to not only keep your country safe from the inside, but also to keep a strong foreign policy, realizing who your allies are and also who your enemies are. A strong military is essential and being proactive always makes a better defense, than to be reactive.

Obama plans on cutting the military budget on weapons/defense by 25%. That is an extreme amount to cut, especially when it’s going to cost the military weapons, gear and even salary, which will lead to less people likely to volunteer. Yes, people do volunteer for love of country, but when they’re putting their lives on the line (with mediocre facilities and technology at their disposal), they need to be well compensated, in my opinion. They need to be protected, just as much as we do.

Obama plans on deconstructing our missile defense systems, as well, most likely to appease those leaders who would take offense to such measure, like Putin (Prime Minister of Russia) and Ahmadinejad (President of Iran). Taking this extreme measure would leave our allies in Europe and Asia defenseless against large-scale assaults and could possibly mean their demise, when there’s an already Nuclear Russia, and Iran, North Korea, Pakistan and Venezuela on the brink.

It seems as though Obama would sell out his allies and even his own country to appease those he would sit down with, without preconditions; these terrorists/dictators he so wishes to befriend. Again, no thanks… I’ll take my chances with people disliking my missiles in other countries, and my military… the most powerful military in the world.

There’s only one man in this election that knows what he’s doing in foreign affairs and international policies… and that man is McCain, a proven hero and patriot to his country. Just think about it… He serves in Vietnam, gets gunned down, injured, captured and taken as a POW. Then he stays behind for five years, even though he was offered to leave before the other men with him. When he arrives back on U.S. soil, his return isn’t celebrated. In fact, he’s welcomed to a world of hippies of an anti-war movement, who hate the troops and the fact we were in Vietnam, helping a country a half a world away. Despite all of this, he decides to serve his country again for another 30 years… That’s a man. That’s someone I want for president, and if he doesn’t get voted in… I feel sorry for this America that can’t see the obvious.

8.  When it comes to the freedom of the press and freedom of speech, it seems that Obama only supports it, if the press doesn’t ask him (or his running mate) any difficult questions. Not only that, but he’ll no doubt allow the Fairness Doctrine to pass once again.

We’ve all seen how the Democrats react to news talk radio. Harry Reed tried to get rid of Rush Limbaugh this year, because of a lie they spewed by taking Limbaugh’s words out of context. They tried to silence him, a private citizen, a business man who is excercising his freedom of the press and freedom of speech, using the government. They tried to bully “Premiere Radio Networks” into firing Limbaugh, much like they did to Don Imus.

The “Fairness Doctrine” would see to it that opinions about politics would be done away with and that each party “Republican” and “Democrat” would get equal time in the news. Freedom of the press and freedom of speech, anyone? Yeah, forget about that… And the kicker? It only applies to Radio. Yep, you guessed it, the news stations on TV can remain the same, liberally biased mass media… but Radio needs to be regulated. Amazing… So, we’ll pretty much be fed lies for the entirety of the life of the United States, until the Fairness Doctrine is unmade again, unless everyone begins watching Fox News or reads some politically accurate and truthful websites.

Not only will Obama allow this doctrine to get by, but he’ll pretty much silence any television broadcasting station or print media outlet that disagrees with him or would question him. This can be seen by his recent actions of kicking three reporters from three different papers (all of which had endorsed McCain – these publications were: NY POST, WASHINGTON TIMES and DALLAS MORNING NEWS) off his plane, as well as canceling all future interviews with a television station (WFTV-Channel 9). Is this Cuba or North Korea?

I could go into privacy polices and more, in regards to Obama and his idiotic policies… but I’ve run out of time. I’m hungry and I’m opposed to publishing this at 2am, since the election will start tomorrow morning.

I hope that I’ve opened your eyes at least a little bit in regards to this person we know absolutely nothing about. Is he a US citizen? I don’t know… he won’t show us proof.

If he loves spreading the wealth, why doesn’t he help out his aunt in the slums of Boston, or his half-brother in Kenya? Why doesn’t he take care of his own, like he claims he’s going to take care of all of you?

Why doesn’t he release his educational documents, like his Harvard transcript? Why doesn’t he tell us how he was elected as “President” of the Harvard Law Review? Why doesn’t he tell us what he did there?

Why doesn’t he disclose his medical record to the public, like McCain did?

Why don’t we know about his previous relationships, like we do about McCain? Why aren’t we allowed to talk about or to Michelle, when she’s been campaigning for him, but the media is allowed to attack Cindy McCain?

Why doesn’t he talk about his relationships to Wright, Ayers, Rezko, Khalidi, Jackson… the list goes on in the previous post (Part 1 of 1)? Why won’t he talk about what happened in the video that the LA Times has of him and Khalidi, where he supposedly gives a controversial toast, mentioning Israel?

What are his true views on Socialism, Communism, and Capitalism? Why do his policies resemble that of Marxism?

Why did he refuse to wear a flag pin? Why did he refuse to salute the flag, by cover his heart, when the Star Spangled Banner was sung?

Why? Did you ask him these questions? Did he answer them? Do you know ANYTHING about this guy that wants to be your president? Think about it, before you vote.

And the Stock Market Crumbles!!! AHHHH!

Some of us aren’t affected by the recent crumbling of the stock market and economy, in relation to the housing markets.  Many, of course, are, and they’re seeing the drastic repercussions of a market gone wrong due to executive and government corruption.

The DOW/Jones dropped 777 points yesterday and closed for under 10,000 points for the first time in four years (since 2004).  You’d think that was bad enough, but today, it continued to sink for about 300 points.  Right now, it’s trading at 9,613.57 and I’m sure it’s not going to stop there.

So, the $700B (now $850B) bail out bill was supposed to suppress the fears of the American people that the we were receding into an inevitable recession turned depression…  It was supposed to fix the economic problems surrounding the housing markets.  It was supposed to rescue the failing companies and people that were taken advantage of with the sub prime mortgage loans.

So my question is:  What’s happening?  Why didn’t the all-encompassing bail out “rescue” bill work?  Why is the market faltering?  Why is the DOW/Jones at an all time low after four years?  Why did the American people have to foot the bill for a bail out that probably won’t work?

Wouldn’t you like an answer to these questions?  I know I would.  More than that, I would like to know why the government felt it necessary to become engaged with the private sector in the first place.

Now, I’m not ridiculous and I don’t expect immediate changes to occur.  I didn’t expect this to be an overnight fix (in fact, I didn’t see it as a fix at all).  However, if it were to fix the problem, I understand that it wouldn’t have been instant gratification.  Unfortunately, I can’t see the economy turning around with the help of the government.  In fact, I can see the American dollar being diminished in time, as well as the market to continue to falter for a little longer.

Eventually, I do expect the market to turn around, but I highly doubt it will have anything to do with the bill that was just passed.  I think that hurt us; it made our dollar even more worthless than it already is.  I think the American people will become stronger and more confident in themselves, and I believe they’ll turn this around by themselves.

We have the power in a free market society to make the economy do whatever we need it to do.  The government has nothing to do with it.  Power to the people and all that. ;]

I’m thinking that with the approval ratings being so low across the board in congress, the senate, the President, etc… we’ll definitely have a lot of turnaround come the new year.  Let’s get this show on the road and make some real “changes” to fix the problems at hand.  It’s up to you, the American people, to make this happen.  Remember… you run this government and you can change it.

The $700B (I mean $850B) Bill, Take 2!

Over the course of about 5-6 days, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson wrote a 3-page overview of a $700B bail out bill, the Senate and House of Representatives had written a 110-page $700B bail out bill (also dubbed “Rescue” Bill) for the ensuing subprime mortgage/economy “crisis,” they had denied that same bill, and then “wrote” an astounding 451pg revision of the original bill, bringing it to $850B.

Unfortunately, most of what the politicians and media will tell you, is that it’s a necessary evil to pass this bill, because the economy is in dire need of it.  If it doesn’t get passed, the market and economy will only get worse and the eventual “Greater” Depression will follow, soon thereafter.

What they won’t tell you, is that this bill is a Pork Barrel Bill.  What they won’t tell you is that a multitude (possibly hundreds, since we now have a 451pg bill from 110 (and originally 3)) of smaller, less important (to the nation as a whole) bills are being tacked on to the $700B “rescue” bill.  Things like tax cuts for Hollywood movie producers, tax cuts for wooden arrow makers (what?!) and an extension delving into global warming that allows for businesses to be compensated for money given to carpoolers and bike riders (from home to work and back).  Yeah, that kind of thing.  You can read the bill, in its’ entirety, here.  I mean, if you enjoy that kind of pain.  Keep in mind that these Senators had these attached bills already built and written up, so it didn’t actually take them only 2-3 days to write them.  So, if you do read the entire thing in a day, I’d be very surprised and… happy for you?

What the media nor politicians also won’t tell you, is that to get Senators (and hopefully House Reps) to vote in favor of this bill, they had to attract them with these smaller bills that the Senators/Congressmen have wanted to pass, specifically for their own areas of interest. If you ask me, that’s bribery. “Hey Ken, if you vote for this, we’ll tack your bill on, as well.” What’s more important? A $700B “rescue” bill to “save” the economy of the United States, or to compensate bicyclists for pretending to save the environment? Obviously the rescue bill should take priority over these little dink bills and shouldn’t need to have bribes attached.

I’m really appalled at the government for having gotten so corrupt, that bribery is openly accepted. Think about it… really think about it. Do the actions of our Senators really scream morality? We’re watching as this is happening. I’m equally appalled at the government for even considering this rescue bill, given that it goes against everything that our founding fathers (and I would hope most Americans, today) believed in, in regards to an openly free market system.

I’m even more astounded that the government felt that they had to get involved with the market in the first place. That’s the true cause of all of this. They helped in creating these government-backed corporations, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which have been involved in corruption and failed management from the get-go. The top executives of these two companies made an unbelievable amount of money; more money in a few years, than some people make in their lives.

Not only did the executives get such great incentives and bonuses while being there, and even on their way out, but politicians who were connected with the companies also reaped the benefits and made a killing: Barney Frank, Chris Dodds, Charles Schumer, even Barack Obama, and more. All of these representatives were also responsible for the destruction of any attempt to regulate these two companies in the housing market.

Now, Obama has some of these Fannie/Freddie people working for and supporting him on his campaign. Let’s call them the Injustice League of Economic Issues, leading the pack: Barack Obama (Presidential Candidate), Jim Johnson (VP Search Committee & Supporter) and Franklin Raines (Economic Advisor (to a degree) & Supporter). You’re going to trust this guy to fix the economy? You’re going to trust this guy to run the country? Can we say 4 More Years of Clinton Corruption?

The American people need to see some real action being taken. We need to see ALL of those responsible taken in for questioning, and when it’s been proven that they’re at fault for the corruption taken place, they need to spend some time in Federal prison. Look at Enron… why look the other way now? Eh, Libs? Why is it ok to pass the bill, quite literally, now… but not then?

Anyone else sick of the two-faced politics, yet?

The Final 4 Have Arrived… With 3 To Go!

Yep, it’s that time of year again, which happens every four years anyway. Presidential debate time! Last Friday was the beginning of the big three (plus 1 for the VP debate on Thursday), we’ve been waiting to see for so long… since King Obama thought it best not to have 10 throughout the campaigning period. One word: unprepared. Unprepared for debating… unprepared for handling tough questions and certainly and undeniably unprepared for running the Presidential office and this fabulous country.

So, we had our first deb… our first argu… our first. Ok, I have no idea what happened last Friday, because all I saw were two guys at separate podiums agreeing with each other and forgetting their lines. I was extremely disappointed when the racing gates were finally lifted and the bucking broncos were set free. Honestly, much bucking was not had and broncos… they were not. They both looked exhausted and that doesn’t bode well for McCain, since he’s already perceived as a man on his death bed. It also didn’t help that he made fun of himself, when he referenced his age-old pen.

Not much was said… and what was said had already been established. When it came to economic issues, McCain faltered. He had chance after chance to call Obama out and be on the attack, but never did. He seemed weak and like he was going to lose. Obama didn’t really do any better, since he was supposed to crush McCain in economics. He made some weak points and pretty much steered clear around the issue of the $700B bill that was to be voted on over the weekend (and didn’t happen until Monday of this week).

The issue of foreign policy and international relations allowed McCain to recover his footing. With the forgetting of a fallen soldier’s name, Obama was put to shame. Of course, McCain still missed some jumping points, where he could have pummeled Obama to the ground, but I suppose we’ll have to wait for the fireworks in the next debate.

I came out of this thinking that both candidates debated poorly. They both showed their weaknesses and they both failed to bring their emotions to the forefront, allowing us to see who they really are and to see what makes them heated. I’d love to see McCain get angry… to show America that he can and will be a strong leader. I want to see someone who believes in what they’re doing for their country. I don’t want to see a repeat of last Friday, where neither candidate looks prepared to be President nor look like they care to be there. I want to see McCain talking down to Obama, as if he were a child who doesn’t know any better… because that’s exactly what he is; a child. He’s an arrogant, ignorant, two-faced liberal, who shouldn’t be running for President, due to the fact that he’s only there as a liberal politic tactic.

Anyway… Palin vs. Biden is going to be on Thursday. Hopefully we’ll see some life come out of that one! Here’s a schedule of the upcoming Presidential debates. I hope you watch them and I hope you get to know who these candidates really are:

1. First Presidential Debate: (Result: TIE)
Date: September 26 “ Site: University of Mississippi “ Topic: Foreign Policy & National Security “ Moderator: Jim Lehrer “ Staging: Podium debate “ Answer Format: The debate will be broken into nine, 9-minute segments. The moderator will introduce a topic and allow each candidate 2 minutes to comment. After these initial answers, the moderator will facilitate an open discussion of the topic for the remaining 5 minutes, ensuring that both candidates receive an equal amount of time to comment

2. Vice Presidential Debate
Date: October 2nd “ Site: Washington University (St. Louis) “ Moderator: Gwen Ifill “ Staging/Answer Format: Debate will consist of both foreign and domestic policy questions asked by the moderator. Format will be similar to the presidential debates.

3. Second Presidential Debate
Date: October 7 “ Site: Belmont University “ Moderator: Tom Brokaw “ Staging: Town Hall debate “ Format: The moderator will call on members of the audience (and draw questions from the internet). Each candidate will have 2 minutes to respond to each question. Following those initial answers, the moderator will invite the candidates to respond to the previous answers, for a total of 1 minute, ensuring that both candidates receive an equal amount of time to comment. In the spirit of the Town Hall, all questions will come from the audience (or internet), and not the moderator.

4. Third Presidential Debate
Date: October 15 “ Site: Hofstra University “ Topic: Domestic and Economic Issues “ Moderator: Bob Schieffer “ Staging: Candidates will be seated at a table “ Answer Format: Same as First Presidential Debate “ Closing Statements: At the end of this debate (only) each candidate shall have the opportunity for a 90 second closing statement.

The Sky… er the Econo… er Wall Street is Falling! Right?

If you live in the United States and you’ve purchased a house in the last year or so, then you probably know that the housing market has been on a downward spiral, leading to the inevitable “failing” economy, or what I had heard earlier… an economic mushroom cloud.  Very clever.  Even if you haven’t purchased a house outside of your means, you’re still feeling the bite of the insidious Wall Street snakes.  Your 401K may be in disrepair, the stock market has plummeted and 1% of Americans have failing mortgages…

Yep… 1%.  That is the approximate percentage of what’s causing this economic turnaround.  And no, they’re not wealthy people… they’re regular Americans who were raised with the idea that living outside their means was perfectly acceptible.  These bewildered citizens were given the choice to open a $0 down, interest only mortgage.  They jumped at the chance, thinking they could make double their money in the after market, since housing prices were skyrocketing.  Of course, a lot of these people were in disbelief that the infamous housing bubble had been reached, thinking that prices would continue to soar.  Well, this bubble burst about 6+ months ago and now people aren’t able to sell their homes, aren’t able to pay their mortgages and since that’s the case, these wall street companies are in trouble and the rate of foreclosures are at record highs.

The talk of another great depression is afoot, because of 1% of America!  Can you believe it?  I can’t.  I also can’t believe that the companies of wall street, especially the ones we’re talking about: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, AIG, and Merrill Lynch & Co, are the cause of this recession “soon to be depression.”

Who’s to blame?  The Americans who bought into the idea that an interest only mortgage was ideal?  Or perhaps the companies even offering such a “deal?”  How about both?  Actually, let’s point the finger toward the people who foresaw this coming and actually jumped ship before chaos hit.  Let’s point the finger at the corrupt CEOs of these companies that first, thought it would be a great idea to pull one over on the American people, offering this phenomenal “deal,” and second, knew the outcome of their actions and ignored to warn America.

While we’re at it, let’s point some fingers over at the politicians in the government, since they had some dealings with these companies and assuredly (well, assumingly) had an understanding of what was going on.  Investigations are underway, so hopefully we’ll find out who, specifically (and truly) are/were involved and who were responsible.  I can say that the CEOs that left prior to their company’s destruction are completely negligent and unethical.  They should be charged, tried and sentenced.  Look at what happened to Enron… why should this be any different?

So, all said and done, many Americans are in trouble.  Personally, I am not… but many are.  Actually, I don’t really know anyone in trouble, per se, because I don’t know many ignorant or stupid people.  Just saying…  Most people I know are pretty responsible and not “corrupt,” as it were.  They also didn’t buy into the super $0 down, interest only extravaganza.

Anyway, with the 1% of the population in trouble, and the crumbling of these enormous financial corporations, leading to 100s of thousands if not millions of lost jobs (many employees, by the way… who are quite wealthy as a result of working for these financial institutions), the government wishes to deem this as an economic crisis.  Yes, I agree that it’s an economic crisis for many people in the United States, but not for everyone.  To top it off, they want to bail out the majority of these corporations, excluding Lehman Brothers, and Merrill Lynch & Co (which sold itself to Bank of America to prevent their demise).

How would the government “bail” out these companies?  By offering up a $700 Billion bailout package, distributed between the companies.  Rumors are flying rampant about the Democrats in congress, who are also seeing to it that some of their programs be shadow-funded, using this bailout as a cover.  Awesome. ;]  If that turns out to be true, the verbiage will obviously be melded into the final document, so misconstrued that the everyday person wouldn’t even be able to figure it out.  That’s my guess, anyway.

What’s funny, is that the government, since at least 2005 can be held responsible for this catastrophe.  In 2005, the issue of placing a reform on these financial companies (namely Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) was being discussed and voted upon.  While most republicans voted to reform regulations to prevent the current devastation, Democrats voted against, saying that there was no evidence of a downward spiral.  It’s obvious that there were and are Democrats in Congress/Senate… government as a whole, that benefited from this decision.  While executives and politicians were making bank on these interest only loans and an increasing housing market, Americans were being taken from behind and finally lead to an economic downfall.

That, to me, is corrupt and some would say treasonous.  These politicians and executives, who got out at the last minute, before the crumble, should be held accountable and should face the consequences of their actions.

That being said, a free market system is a free market system, and we should leave it at that.  Government should not get anymore involved than they already have.  The tax payers should NOT have to bail these corrupt corporations out… and it IS more than a bail out.  These people will get even more wealthy as a result of this, while our taxes will more than likely rise, our debt will increase by about $1 Trillion… and it’s already at record highs (not that that’s far from typical).

The fact that President Bush is actually trying to push this bail out package is really disconcerting.  I’ve voted for him twice, in hopes that he’d do the right thing for this country.  My main reasons for doing so were because I believe in our cause for fighting terrorism and liberating countries that are under the rule of ruthless dictators, hellbent on demonstrating their power.  My other reasons had to do with securing our borders, keeping America(ns) safe and upholding the constitution from a conservative point of view.  I expected that he would remain strong and hold fast with his conservative values, even in the wake of a democratic congress.

President Bush has done a terrific job at handling the War on Terror and securing America… with the exception of securing our borders.  More and more illegal immigrants are plowing through our borders on a daily basis.  Regardless, his stance on social issues within the United States has faltered and I’m very disappointed.

The economy has remained strong for quite a while, even with a war going on and ensuing national debt being incurred, but now he turns a 180 and almost bends over for the democratic congress and Nancy Pelosi (who elected her to be Speaker of the House, anyway?!).  A conservative turned democrat, President Bush now poses that the government should take hold and rescue the economy, essentially ignoring the relevance of capitalism, which is the only reason we have one of the strongest economies in the world.

To say that I’m flabbergasted is an understatement.  Government needs to get its hands out of the pockets of corporate executives and they most certainly should not bail out a failing company.  How many companies are build up and eventually fail without government assistance?  Why should Lehman Brothers be excluded from the bail out?  If they’re going to do this, why make any exceptions at all?  We’ve heard of socialism and communism, right?  For all the talk that the United States does, concerning the disbelief in socialism and communism, and the fact that we cherish our constitutional rights and free market society, this is a real kick in the face to governments around the world, as well as the citizens of this great country.

Given the chance, the economy can and will turn around… the market will correct itself – it always does.  We need government to take a step back and let the people of this great nation (who absolutely make it great) fix it themselves.  We can do this…  trust me.  Don’t make the mistake of doubting the free market & the people of this nation.  When we set out to do them, we can do phenomenal things.  This is but one challenge in the course of many and we can overcome it.  Don’t let government play a role.  Call or E-Mail your congressman or senator.  Even if you support the bail out, make your opinion known.  Tell your representatives how you feel.

You see, that’s what they are.  Representatives of the people.  The government is of the people, for the people and by the people.  YOU have the power, but politicians want you to believe that THEY have the power.  Don’t let them control you.  These factors only come into play when their positions are threatened.  Tell them, when you call, that you won’t vote for them for a follow-up term.  America needs to take her country back, and that’s up to you!

Economy failing?  Bull… Corporations making wrong decisions leading to their demise.  That’s what’s happening.  America is full of entrepreneurs and self starters.  If you don’t like the way things are done or how a company is run, you start a better one up, you make changes, you compete… that’s our way.  The people losing their jobs will find new ones, they’ll start their own companies up, etc.

People losing their mortgages is no small thing, but these people knew what they were getting into.  Interest only loans?  Really?  Who thinks that’s a good idea?  Especially when you’re “purchasing” a house for $500,000 and only get paid a $60,000 salary… let’s think about that…  We should bail these people out, as well?  They’re living outside of their means, making a mistake… something they will certainly learn from.  Let’s have the people take some responsibility of their own for a change.  Let’s get the hell back on track.  If you ask me, these people… this 1% of the population deserves the outcome of their mistake.  That’s life… that’s the world.  Get real and live it.  So they have to live in an apartment for a few years… so what?!  I’ve done it, my family members have done it, friends of mine have done it…  Why is this 1% so deserving of a $1/2 million house?  Pah… such arrogance, or maybe I should use the recent hot word “hubris.”  There, now I feel like I fit in.

This will all turn out better in the long run, but a bail out is not the answer.  ‘Nuff said.