Banning Guns and an Obamanation Youth?

There are some scary events coming down the pipe in the coming four years, two of which are addressed in the topic.  One, Obama would like to pass stringent restriction and prohibition laws concerning guns, and two, he (and Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s Chief-of-Staff) would like to create a civil security force with America’s youth.

The first issue is scary enough, basically infringing on one of our constitutional amendment rights… the second amendment, to be exact, which is the following:

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

It clearly states our right to bear arms and that this right should not be infringed upon.  So, what does Obama want to do?  Well, here’s a rundown:

1. Bring back the Federal “Assault Weapons Ban” that expired in 2004 and make it permanent.  “Assault Weapons” in this case, refers to semi-automatic firearms.  Of course Obama doesn’t understand the difference between semi-automatic and fully-automatic, so he dubs these “assault weapons” as machine guns that are typically used during warfare on foreign soil and the like.  Do you think he’s ever fired a gun or held a gun in his life?  Quite doubtful.

2. Repeal the “Tiahrt Amendment.”  This amendment prevents the public/civil access to the tracing system of the ATF, regarding firearms.  The tracing system can explain where a gun was manufactured, where it was sold, who the first purchaser was, etc.  This information, while helpful in determining the travel habits of a firearm, can be damaging to a law abiding firearms manufacturer.  Many anti-gun activists would love to sue firearm manufacturers, based on crimes that were committed using their firearms as weapons.  I ask you, how is the manufacturer or even a store owner responsible for a criminal’s actions?  Perhaps we should sue car manufacturers every time someone gets hit or dies in a car accident, or hit and run.  Sounds fair, right?  FYI, cars can be used as weapons, as well.

3. Close the “gun show loophole.”  First, there isn’t a loophole, but what anti-gun activists would like to do, is prevent someone without a Federal license obtained from the FBI to sell firearms at a gun show or casually from their collection, etc.  Federal gun law, explicitely forbids a gun shop or someone who regularly sells guns as a source of income, to do so without a license.  In addition, anyone who purchases a gun from one of these places must undergo a Federal background check, conducted by the FBI.  The “loophole” is actually a federal law… not a loophole at all.  It implies that anyone who does not run a gun shop or anyone that does not sell firearms as a source of income, has the right to sell their firearms on a casual basis.  Such an instance would be to sell your firearm to a friend or family member.

The fact is, less than 1% (about .7%) of crime committed with firearms are committed with firearms obtained from gun shows.  And who really knows if those guns were actually obtained by unlicensed sellers?  The closing of this “loop hole” would be ineffective at stopping these crimes, as most of them are committed with illegally obtained firearms to begin with.

4. Require that guns in this country are “childproof.”  What they don’t tell you, however, is that making guns “childproof,” will require millions of dollars in research and development, as well as an increase in price per gun, by about $300-500 or more.  Their idea of childproofing, is implementing a technological device that would allow for fingerprint reading or voice recognition… Sounds cool and sci-fi, but c’mon… let’s get real.  Why don’t we just educate our children on gun safety and actually practice gun safety, ourselves?  Is that too little or too much to ask?

These four policies, not to mention Obama’s support for an astronomical gun sales tax of a reported 500% would make it next to impossible for anyone to purchase or sell a firearm, which obviously is Obama’s intention.  Many media outlets or “fact check” sites would try to debunk this, but you can’t lie about a voting record.  He’s supported the banning of firearms and this tax law in the Illinois Senate, twice in 2004.

The banning of any gun is teetering on infringing on the second amendment.  Making it impossible to purchase a gun is a “loophole” of his own, for infringing on the second amendment.  Go figure.

Now, you’d think this firearms ordeal was enough, right?  Well, I beg to differ!  In addition to restricting/banning/regulating/taxing/prohibiting firearms, he would also like to institute a Civil Security Force.

A Civil Security Force you ask?  Oh yes… civilians, but not just any civilians… those who are between the ages of 18 and 25, and according to Obama and Emanuel, it would be mandatory, not voluntary.  You can listen to their “words, just words,” here.

So, these young adults, if this idea is implemented, will be made to serve the civilian security force, will be given training and most likely an “education” (read: indoctrination) and serve anywhere from 3 months to whatever these guys decide is an appropriate allotment of time to serve, since they’re currently undecided.

You see, I don’t really understand why such a thing is necessary, since we already have a standing right to form a civilian militia, if need be.  Oh, wait… wait, wait, wait.  That would only be effective if we had the right to bear arms, and that policy is currently under fire by the very left liberals in government, right now… and with Obama at the helm, we’re in trouble of nearly losing that right altogether.

So, what happens?  We have this Obamanation Youth Front (OYF) that will protect us on a day-to-day basis, on American soil.  That’s interesting… it almost sounds like a constant martial law, doesn’t it?  This idea also sounds somewhat similar to what dictators typically form… these socialist security forces that are overwhelmingly made of indoctrinated children/young adults.  Sooner or later, you’re going to hear songs from little kids, touting the importance and greatness of their President-elect… Oh, wait, that’s already happened a few times, yeah?  Hrmm…

You know who else had a national youth organization like this?  This guy.  In fact, he had two different organizations like this:  The Hitler Youth and Sturmabteilung (otherwise known as stormtroopers).  I’m not calling Obama Hitler or a Nazi… just sayin’.