Lou Dobbs Takes the Giant Leap… To Freedom

Is it any wonder why so many great and talented commentators/journalists leave the MSM for Fox News or other, more independent ventures?

Neil Cavuto (CNBC), Brenda Buttner (CNBC), Chris Wallace (ABC), Greta Van Susteren (CNN), Brit Hume (ABC) Chris Plante (CNN), Glenn Beck (CNN), John Stossel (ABC) and now… Lou Dobbs …(CNN)?

Funny how the majority of these people congregate toward a more objective news source, like Fox News, or other avenues, where the truth won’t be stifled. It’s also funny that most of these people were celebrated in the MSM for their editorial expertise or objective, world-class journalistic skills prior to joining FOX or taking to talk radio. All of a sudden, they’re not a reputable/reliable source of intel, because they tell you things you don’t want to hear… the truth.

Lou Dobbs, now that you’ve left CNN… welcome to freedom! I hope your voice rings louder and clearer than ever.

To see interviews regarding his leaving CNN or read/hear his point of view on politics, please visit him here: http://www.loudobbs.com

Follow my tirades on Facebook

Again, it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted anything… since April, actually. There’s a reason for that. I’ve been very active on FaceBook in the political avenues available to me there. There are several political/patriotic/grassroots activism groups on FaceBook that I’ve become involved with and I continue to update the world on a daily basis, about what’s going on in the world, according to reality.

Battles are waged, wars are fought, and friends are won and lost in the world of political FaceBook. I urge you to join me in my efforts to spread patriotism and reality amongst those who would listen and those who are willing to open an eye. Come visit and engage in controversial conversation here: http://www.facebook.com/polidiotic

Hope to see you there!

Socialism Take 2: The Auto Industry Bailout

As if the $700 Billion bailout for the mortgage industry wasn’t enough, now the reality of an auto industry bailout is possibly taking fruition.  Yesterday marked the day of mockery, as the CEOs of the big three (GM, Ford and Chrysler) decided to fly in their private jets into DC to meet with Congress in order to beg for a handout.

Obviously, seeing that these arrogant CEOs did use their very expensive and costly private jets to get to this meeting, the members of Congress laughed in their faces.

When asked who would NOT return home, using their private jets, neither of the CEOs raised their hand.  When asked if the CEOs had a plan for the bailout, they neglected to provide one.  When asked how much money they would need, they didn’t have an answer.

Does this sound like a well thought out plan to you?  These people are CEOs (Chief Executive Officers) of three of the largest corporations in America, responsible for hundreds of thousands of employees, leading to even more jobs from third party companies, such as distributors/dealerships/retail stores.  I’m not sure why these guys were hired/elected into their positions, but they’re obviously NOT acting responsibly and they’re NOT fulfilling their obligation to their stock holders, employees and partners.  In my opinion, they really need to go, regardless of the outcome of this whole ordeal.

These companies do NOT need a bailout from the government.  When have we actually seen a bailout/handout work?  The $700B bailout didn’t do anything.  People are still in the same financial situation they were, before.  The stock market is crumbling and the DOW is now below 8,000 points (about 7,500 at the end of the day, today). A bailout will not give these companies what they need and will inevitably lead to more problems in the future, where these CEOs will clearly depend on the generosity of the government and their socialistic tendencies. Responsibility is lost.

I do find, however, that if the government didn’t have such stringent regulations on car production, the companies would at least be able to produce whatever they want, and that which actually sells. We could attribute these companies’ failings to the government, directly… just another case of them getting involved and destroying yet another industry. Other car companies, like Toyota, Honda and Hundai do not have these regulations, and thus… can produce more of what sells, rather than a percentage of what doesn’t. This is no excuse, of course, for the horrible leadership of the top three’s CEOs.

I can think of a number of ways these companies can get themselves out of their current funk:

1. File Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. Yes, no one really wants to do this, but this can save them in the long haul. They can restructure their overall business plan, budget, etc.

2. Replace the CEOs that have obviously driven these companies into the ground. Replace them with new blood, that sees and leads outside of the box.

3. Sell the subsidiary companies, or renegotiate contracts. This will sever the many companies that GM, Ford and Chrysler have purchased throughout the years and allow them to compete in the market and will probably lead to innovation. This will lower costs for the big three, maybe make them some money. Employees will be spread out, lessening the burden on the three, as well.

4. Kill failed projects. End the manufacturing of unnecessary parts and cars that do not sell. Limit the amount of cars they produce and possibly hit niche markets.

5. Renegotiate terms with the labor union, bringing down wages of CEOs, top execs AND those in the union.

It’s surprising that the employees at these big three are earning top salaries in their profession, when their companies are failing. They earn, on average, $77 per hour, compared to about $45 per hour at various other non-American car companies. Why should this be the case?

Oh, and sell the private jets. That can save the companies hundreds of thousands (maybe millions depending on how often they’re used, and where they fly them to) per year.

The auto industry needs to get real and search for their own resolution.

The Final 4 Have Arrived… With 3 To Go!

Yep, it’s that time of year again, which happens every four years anyway. Presidential debate time! Last Friday was the beginning of the big three (plus 1 for the VP debate on Thursday), we’ve been waiting to see for so long… since King Obama thought it best not to have 10 throughout the campaigning period. One word: unprepared. Unprepared for debating… unprepared for handling tough questions and certainly and undeniably unprepared for running the Presidential office and this fabulous country.

So, we had our first deb… our first argu… our first. Ok, I have no idea what happened last Friday, because all I saw were two guys at separate podiums agreeing with each other and forgetting their lines. I was extremely disappointed when the racing gates were finally lifted and the bucking broncos were set free. Honestly, much bucking was not had and broncos… they were not. They both looked exhausted and that doesn’t bode well for McCain, since he’s already perceived as a man on his death bed. It also didn’t help that he made fun of himself, when he referenced his age-old pen.

Not much was said… and what was said had already been established. When it came to economic issues, McCain faltered. He had chance after chance to call Obama out and be on the attack, but never did. He seemed weak and like he was going to lose. Obama didn’t really do any better, since he was supposed to crush McCain in economics. He made some weak points and pretty much steered clear around the issue of the $700B bill that was to be voted on over the weekend (and didn’t happen until Monday of this week).

The issue of foreign policy and international relations allowed McCain to recover his footing. With the forgetting of a fallen soldier’s name, Obama was put to shame. Of course, McCain still missed some jumping points, where he could have pummeled Obama to the ground, but I suppose we’ll have to wait for the fireworks in the next debate.

I came out of this thinking that both candidates debated poorly. They both showed their weaknesses and they both failed to bring their emotions to the forefront, allowing us to see who they really are and to see what makes them heated. I’d love to see McCain get angry… to show America that he can and will be a strong leader. I want to see someone who believes in what they’re doing for their country. I don’t want to see a repeat of last Friday, where neither candidate looks prepared to be President nor look like they care to be there. I want to see McCain talking down to Obama, as if he were a child who doesn’t know any better… because that’s exactly what he is; a child. He’s an arrogant, ignorant, two-faced liberal, who shouldn’t be running for President, due to the fact that he’s only there as a liberal politic tactic.

Anyway… Palin vs. Biden is going to be on Thursday. Hopefully we’ll see some life come out of that one! Here’s a schedule of the upcoming Presidential debates. I hope you watch them and I hope you get to know who these candidates really are:

1. First Presidential Debate: (Result: TIE)
Date: September 26 “ Site: University of Mississippi “ Topic: Foreign Policy & National Security “ Moderator: Jim Lehrer “ Staging: Podium debate “ Answer Format: The debate will be broken into nine, 9-minute segments. The moderator will introduce a topic and allow each candidate 2 minutes to comment. After these initial answers, the moderator will facilitate an open discussion of the topic for the remaining 5 minutes, ensuring that both candidates receive an equal amount of time to comment

2. Vice Presidential Debate
Date: October 2nd “ Site: Washington University (St. Louis) “ Moderator: Gwen Ifill “ Staging/Answer Format: Debate will consist of both foreign and domestic policy questions asked by the moderator. Format will be similar to the presidential debates.

3. Second Presidential Debate
Date: October 7 “ Site: Belmont University “ Moderator: Tom Brokaw “ Staging: Town Hall debate “ Format: The moderator will call on members of the audience (and draw questions from the internet). Each candidate will have 2 minutes to respond to each question. Following those initial answers, the moderator will invite the candidates to respond to the previous answers, for a total of 1 minute, ensuring that both candidates receive an equal amount of time to comment. In the spirit of the Town Hall, all questions will come from the audience (or internet), and not the moderator.

4. Third Presidential Debate
Date: October 15 “ Site: Hofstra University “ Topic: Domestic and Economic Issues “ Moderator: Bob Schieffer “ Staging: Candidates will be seated at a table “ Answer Format: Same as First Presidential Debate “ Closing Statements: At the end of this debate (only) each candidate shall have the opportunity for a 90 second closing statement.

In the Beginning…

Welcome to Polidiotic.com! If you’ve made it this far, then you must be sick of the typical political banter being thrown around from liberal extremists and “reformed” republicans. You must be looking for a point of view that doesn’t distort the truth, nor has an ulterior motive/agenda. Perhaps one that you can agree with and one that makes sense, for the most part, to the normal, everyday person. The person that works a 9-5 job, doesn’t make 100s of thousands/millions of dollars in salary and works hard. Someone that has a realistic outlook on life and believes in the American lifestyle and dream.

I, nor the people I associate with (so far), don’t have any political affiliations. The business I work for, SMS Direct, is a Direct Mail Marketing company and actually does some mail shop jobs for the DNC and RNC, as well as several other organizations and for-profit corporations. What that means, is that they’re a bipartisan company with employees both republican and democratic, conservative and liberal…

Why did I tell you that? To gain your trust and to show you that I’m a regular person just like you. I’m married, I have a dog and just purchased my first condo. My wife and I have a mortgage and are paying off two cars. We have responsibilities just like you.

I am, however, a conservative. I truly believe that our constitution, when written and signed, was for the benefit of our society and aims to allow us to grow as a country and remain free. It allows for us to take responsibility for our actions, to deal with the consequences and to make the best of our lives. America has more rights than any other country in the world. We have the greatest economy on seven continents, because we live in a free market society based on capitalism, and in my opinion… we have the greatest and most patriotic people on Earth – for the most part.

Then, we have over-compensated America-hating, God-hating liberals that want nothing more than to make our society like every European country in the world… Free health care for all, more government control for businesses, more government control over our lives, less personal responsibility, higher taxes, a declination in economy and energy. These people don’t wish us to grow, but to deteriorate into a socialist/neo-communist regime.

That’s why I started this blog. I’m sick of liberally biased media. I’m sick of hearing complaints about our amazing society. I’m sick of people not taking responsibility for their actions. I’m sick of people wanting the government to bail everyone out. I’m sick of the two-faced politics, where democrats ignore every misdirection or negative campaign tactic they use, and attack Republicans for releasing facts that incriminate democratic politicians. I’m also sick of hearing the argument that Fox News is a conservative outlet and safe haven, when at least 50-60% of the commentators, analysts and contributors are actually liberal. I’m also sick of liberals using Fox News as their go-to, when arguing their point about politically biased media outlets. They can name only ONE news organization? It’s pathetic.

That’s where I stand. I’m sick of the bull and I’m here to voice my opinions, as well as the facts. No, I won’t be traveling around the world to interview politicians and find out different views of people that may or may not matter, but I’ll do the research to clear up any information that I think might be news worthy. I’ll also do my part to clear up any biases and miss-clarifications. I’ve seen too many biases, blatant lies, misdirections, misleading news, and hate-filled remarks to remain closed down in hermit status.

Why “Polidiotic.com,” you ask? Why not? It’s my answer to the idiocies in politics and media. That’s what the news and political industries/fields have turned into. Polidiotics.