An Obvious Choice… Part 1 of 2 (Negative Associations)

Over the last two years, it has been divulged that Barack Obama is enshrouded in controversy and mystery. Not once, not twice, but on numerous occasions, proof has surfaced of Obama’s questionable relationships, decisions and record. Where proof wasn’t to be found, questions were still asked… and when asked, Obama would neglect to redeem an answer, which of course, lead to new controversies and questions.

In a world that must deal with a war on terror, a possible return to Soviet Russia, a nuclear powered North Korea, Iran and Venezuela, a crumbling economic situation on a global scale, a threat of Israel’s, Georgia’s, Poland’s and Ukraine’s demise, and a national energy crisis, the citizens of the United States can NOT place their future into the hands of someone they barely know. They (we) need leadership, experience, a strong willed leader, someone who understands Capitalism and why it works, someone who understands foreign policy and the implications of a strong international presence, and someone who loves this country. Barack Obama is not this person…

Let’s take a look at the facts and implications of Obama’s nasty attributes discovered over the last couple of years up ’til now. We’ll start with his supposed religion, which is a seguay into his spiritual associations, which then leads to the rest of this journal about the rest of his negative/corrupt associations/friendships/mentors/supporters/allies:

1. Ok, this one isn’t so nasty… unless you decide to associate all Muslims with terrorists, which I do not. However, the fact that Obama staunchly denies his supposed faith and then slips with a possible truth, yields questionable results.

First of all, let’s make sure we’re all in agreement that the election should not be decided based on race, sex or religion. The idea of separation of church and state should dictate that religion should certainly not be a factor when deciding on a presidential candidate. However, during the entire Primary election season, religion played a role for many voters (both Republican and Democrat)

Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee were two Republican candidates that were hammered with accusations that they would serve horribly, since Romney is a Mormon and Mike Huckabee is a minister. Nevermind that they both served as governors, their religion would certainly keep them from becoming the President of the United States. They never denied their faith and never lied about their religious beliefs.

Barack Obama, however, had been dubbed a Muslim, most likely because of his name “Barack Houssein Obama.” Okay, that certainly is a Muslim name, but let’s keep in mind that his father, who was from Kenya, was a Muslim. He has always claimed to be of Christian faith, until one instance where he had a slip of the tongue.

It hasn’t only been the Republicans that wanted to uncover Obama’s beliefs; even the Democrats, such as the Hillary camp, tried to disclose his true faith in Islam. It’s important to note, however, that John McCain’s camp never did call Obama’s faith, he never claimed he was Muslim and even Obama has admitted this.

During an interview with George Stephanopolis, he said while speaking about the accusations of his Muslim faith “…you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith, and you’re absolutely right…” Stephanopolis immediately followed that comment with “Christian Faith” to correct him. The interview continues with him explaining the gaffe in that he meant to say “my suggested Muslim faith,” etc. Now this could be a slip of the tongue, yes, but many people can read into this (and understanding where Obama comes from) to mean that it was a Freudian slip, and because he’s been an actor for so long, pretending to be something he’s not, that he mistakenly said what he truly was… a Muslim. I know that sounds silly, but it is a possibility. Click here to see the segment of the interview in question.

In actuality, the church he has been attending for about 20 years, being of Black Liberation Theology, speaks more of extremist ideals and hatred than any Christian church that I’ve ever heard of. It could be said that he’s adopted this Church as a replacement to any Muslim Mosque, in order to integrate with society and become more accepted. Just throwing that out there to the conspiracy theorists.

2. I’ve already mentioned that Obama has been attending a “Christian” church, based on Black Liberation Theology, for about the past 20 years, since 1991-92. The church is called Trinity United Church of Christ and is located in Chicago. The previous pastor and Obama’s “spiritual mentor” Reverend Jeremiah Wright had been preaching the Black Liberation ideals for 36 years. According to Obama, he and his wife had been attending Wright’s church for the last 20 years.

I’m not certain about the previous 30 years or so, but what Wright has been preaching has been nothing but negativity and hatred toward the United States and the oppression of black men/women by rich white people. According to Reverend Wright, the United States has been terrorizing the world, the government has been attempting ridiculous measures in order to sterilize black people in a holocaust fashion, by using biological warfare. He even blames the U.S. government for creating HIV in a laboratory with the sole intent of infecting blacks in the nation and world, merely to kill them off.

His allegations and rhetoric are absolutely horrific and fanatical. These are the values that Wright has been teaching/preaching over the last several years, and who’s to say that he hasn’t been since 1972? People can purchase his video tapes and see this for themselves. He preaches hate and cynicism toward his own country and the citizens of it. He even mentions that we’re to blame for what happened on 9-11, the most dreadful event to have ever occurred on United States soil. Here are some videos of Reverend Wright’s rhetoric: Video 1 – ABC News Video 2 – Fox News Video 3 – Fox News Video 4 – Obama on Fox News.

Racism, hatred, blame, segregation, conspiracy theories, liberation theology… 20 years of attending a church that teaches these amazing values. In the last video above, you can listen to Obama being interviewed about Wright and his attendance at Trinity United Church of Christ. He mentions that he’s been in attendance since about 1991-92, he raised his children in the church, had them baptized in the church, got married in the church, etc. Of course, you’ll also hear him say that he’s “never heard” Wright preach such hateful messages. How likely is that? Especially when he’s already claimed that Wright has been a spiritual mentor and his book, titled “The Audacity of Hope,” is supposedly borrowed from his Reverend’s sermon “Audacity to Hope,” which apparently inspired Obama to write the book.

Does Barack Obama adhere to Wright’s personal views of America? Has he adopted the teachings of his mentor and teacher of Black Liberation Theology (aka “Christianity” according to Obama)? Does Michelle Obama’s mentioning that “this is the first time in her adult life that she’s been proud of her country,” stem from the teachings of Wright? Is the only reason she’s proud of her country, because Democrats voted for a black man? Otherwise what? She’d still hate America and white people? Interesting… and I think relevant to question. Obama and his wife would deny such claims, of course… and so would many of his followers (I mean supporters). Such is the life of Obama…

3. Now that we’re talking about the Trinity United Church of Christ… we can mention the regular guest preacher, Reverend Michael Pfleger… Another wonderful man who enjoys preaching/teaching the people about white corruption, white supremacy, segregation, white entitlement, etc. Yes, he’s another who practices/preaches Black Liberation Theology. Here’s a sample of his sermon: Click Here. And here is a screenshot of Pfleger’s endorsement for Obama, on Obama’s website, before he had it removed.

4. Who replaced Reverend Wright, when he retired? Well, another product of the Civil Right’s Movement, of course! I have no problem with the Civil Right’s Movement, but I do have a problem with the teachings of Black Liberation Theology, which this man is also a product of. He was hand-picked by Wright to take his place at the Trinity United Church of Christ; no doubt in order to continue the same preachings of Wright. The usual banter of hatred and contempt for America and white people. Now, this replacement, Reverend Otis Moss, has not condemned himself yet, but I still have hope for him. I’m thinking we’ll hear something in the next couple of years… especially when he uses modern ebonic language to teach his lessons to relate to the people in his church. Here’s an example of his preaching style. And here’s a video profile for the man: Click here.

Yes, Obama still attends this church and according to that last video, he still looks up to Reverend Wright as a mentor, despite his claims that he doesn’t. Yes, instead of a United America, the Trinity United Church of Christ segregates us into a White America and a Black America. Is this the ideal that Obama subscribes to?

5 & 6. Many liberals claim that conservatives have been calling Barack Obama a terrorist. Well, that may be the case with right extremists, but most level-headed thinkers have not. They have, however, labeled him as a person who lacks a certain judgment when choosing the people he befriends or associates with. This can be seen with the top three people I’ve mentioned already… his spiritual advisers/mentors; his preachers. However, now we delve into the political landscape and environment that Obama has jumped head-first into and has enshrouded himself in.

One of these negative associations which proves Obama’s lack in judgment, is unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, founder of the “Weather Underground”. You can read/learn about this terrorist group, by reading the official FBI documents, or for an eye-friendly rundown of the organization, check out Discover the Networks’ short history, as well as the highly controversial wikipedia entree. Ayers lead the “Weatherman” group, later known as “Weather Underground” in the 1960s, while the Vietnam War was underway, and even after the U.S. troops were pulled out. This group bombed several buildings and monuments, which had resulted in the deaths and injuries of police officers and several of Ayers’ own followers, and several more injuries to civilians. This, in addition to the destruction caused to federal and civilian buildings and monuments.

There had been later attacks and bank robberies in the early/mid-70s, which resulted in more deaths (two of which are Police Officers), injuries and destruction, but it’s unclear as to how Ayers was tied to these, since he had “surfaced” from the underground and pursued a life outside of terrorism.

Bernardine Dohrn, also a member of the same groups (and also more extreme and arguable more dangerous) is still currently married to Ayers. You can actually see her current point of view, by reading one of her more “recent” articles from 2005. Clearly, Dohrn is still an activist of mind and also unrepentant of her misdeeds in the past. She also clings to a hatred of America and the values that true Americans have cherished and lived by for 200 years. Here’s a sample of Dohrn’s vocal opinion of America.

Both terrorists were cleared of charged crimes against humanity, due to illegal wire taps used during the Nixon administration. Ayers had been quoted as saying: “Guilty as hell. Free as a bird. America is a great country.”

One of the lesser known facts surrounding Dohrn and the Obamas, is that from 1984-1988, Michelle Obama and Bernardine Dohrn worked together at a law firm under the name of Sidley Austin, in Chicago, IL. Dohrn, unable to serve as a lawyer due to her terrorist background, was able to land a job at this facility, due to her relationship to Ayers’ father, Thomas G. Ayers. Thomas Ayers was known as a “philanthropist” in Chicago and a very powerful human being in the area with a ton of pull. Thomas pulled some strings and got Dohrn an associate position at the firm, then headed by Howard Trienens, a friend of Thomas Ayers. To quote Trienens in an interview with the Chicago Tribune, “We often hire friends.”

During Dohrn’s last year at the firm, Michelle Obama began working there. This is, strangely enough, where Barack and Michelle first met. This is one of the earliest events that connects the Ayers and Obama families. We don’t know how well they knew each other at this point, but it certainly is quite a coincidence that they ended up working here at around the same time in history, and it would be quite the oddity if they never crossed paths or spoke of their ideas/theories on law, etc.

Oh, things begin to get intertwined and confusing, since the politicians of Chicago are very tightly knit. There’s a complete debacle surrounding Mayor Daley’s father, who was Mayor of Chicago preceding him, who was friends with Thomas Ayers. Bill Ayers had befriended the current Mayor Daley, Jr, and they’re all associates/friends of Barack and Michelle Obama, stringing him along the political web and allowing him to exceed, where others would plunder.

Moving on…

Obama’s State Senate campaign was championed and launched in the living room of Bill Ayers… someone Obama had apparently never known anything about… even though he studied law at Harvard and became a lawyer in Chicago… the home of Bill Ayers (ex-National Terrorist).

Obama and Ayers also served on the same board of directors for the Woods Foundation from 1999-2002, on the same board of directors for the Chicago Annenberg Challenge from 1995-2002. Barack was actually selected as Founding President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which Ayers wrote a grant proposal for $49.2 million over 5 years for public school reform.

Really? They didn’t know each other? They never spoke? Obama didn’t know about his terrorist actions in the 60s-70s, because he was 8yrs old at the time? Wasn’t he 30 years old when they met? Did he not study law or any terrorist/activist events that have occurred on U.S. soil? I must be confused, because while these two guys knew each other, Bill Ayers gave a radio interview in 2002 exposing many of his beliefs.

There’s more to this story than I care to get into, as I’ve discussed it numerous times with people who like to debate/argue… and fail to see the truth, when it smacks them square in the face. I will, however, move on to the next association…

7. Obama has also been connected to ACORN over the last several years. He’s served as a lawyer for them, as well as taught some classes to the employees there, teaching them how to get out the vote and attract people into the election. Not only this, but he’s also donated over $800,000 to ACORN in efforts to get out the vote.

What did ACORN do with that money? They got out the vote, alright, in the form of Voter Registration Fraud. In 13-15 (that number is debatable) states, there’s been found to be over 300,000 fake registrations… and what do fake registrations lead to? Multiple, fake votes… ala Voter Fraud. Of course, Obama denies the allegations of his association with ACORN… but what doesn’t he deny? According to him, these are all just “distractions.” Check out these interviews/videos about the recent ACORN debacle.

Oh, and ACORN officially endorses Barack Obama for President of the United States.

8-9 (FM & FM) 10-15 (Individuals Involved). Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac are two government-backed mortgage companies. These, along with several members of the US Senate/Congress (you guessed it… Democrats Barney Frank, Chris Dodds, Charles Schumer, even Barack Obama), are responsible for the degredation of the U.S. Economy and the housing market blowup. Barack Obama chose Jim Johnson (Chairman of failed Fannie Mae) to head his VP search Committee (until he resigned to become a silent backer), Franklin Raines (CEO of failed Fannie Mae) as an economic adviser, and Penny Pritzker (Co-Owner of failed Superior Bank), Obama’s 2008 campaign finance chairman.

Yes, despite the warnings of the Republicans on numerous occasions, since before the 1990s, the Democrats continuously shot down any attempt at restructuring and regulating the two government-backed companies. The people involved knew that the housing market bubble was going to collapse, and they knew what they were allowing was deceitful and wrong… they could have warned the American people, but didn’t.

Barack Obama received $120,349 in contributions from Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac in the form of PACs and individuals. He ranks #2 in a long list of beneficiaries, just below Chris Dodd (Democrat) and above John Kerry (another Democrat). John McCain does show up on the list, ranking in at around the 60-70 mark, raking in $21,550. However, he only received contributions from individuals.

Are these the types of associations you want your President to have? Look at the team of economic advisers that this man, Barack Obama, has gathered. All corrupt, all ties to failing banks/corporations, all ties to the recent housing market crumble. This is the man you want for President? Need I mention more affiliates of the man? I haven’t even gotten to the radical extremists from other countries, yet.

16-21. Some of the most extremist individuals, countries and groups in the world have even endorsed Barack Obama. In the last year, Obama has been endorsed by Iran, Fidel Castro, North Korea, Daniel Ortega, Hamas, and Hizbollah.

Oh, and did I mention that Obama enjoys displaying Cuban flags with the face of Che Guevara superimposed on them, in his campaign offices? Check out the “Cuban-American” woman, who is proud of this display in her Houston, TX Obama Campaign office. Click Here.

Ahhh… this is all relatively exhausting. There are so many negative/corrupt associations of Obama, I don’t know if I have the energy to list them all, or find relevant links explaining them.

Wait, wait, wait… waitaminute…. There’s one more thing to note, here, before we move on to Part 2 of 2, which will cover the political views and policies that Obama supports, which are just plain… socialist in nature and will lead to the downfall of the United States, should they come to be.

22. Apparently Obama has been friendly with another radical affiliate, and this is one of the most recent discoveries… funny that it should come up about 7 days from the election. Why couldn’t the mainstream media cover his ties from the get-go? Horrible coverage… horrendous bias… pitiful excuse for media… that’s why.

Anyway, Rashid Khalidi, who was in the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) (yes, another terrorist group), supposedly its’ spokesperson. Khalidi serves as a professor of Arab studies at Columbia University, he’s a leading Palestinian scholar, and an advocate for Palestinian rights. Click here for a sample of one of his lectures. Rashid has been pretty vocal about his criticisms of America and Israel, and somewhat open about his terrorist associations.

Of course, there’s another video that the LA Times will not release, which supposedly has Barack Obama and Rashid Khalidi at a banquet/dinner, where Obama is toasting him for one thing or another. Everything’s pretty hush-hush about it, besides the fact that the LA Times has it. They claim that their source “denies” them the authority to publish it. Imagine that…

Well… that’s 22 reasons not to vote for Barack Obama right there. Can you even mention one association, besides his kids (who will eventually be corrupted to hate white Americans, no doubt) who isn’t corrupt? I dare you to mention Gore or Clinton (lol). Go ahead, mention one person he’s been associated with, someone he’s befriended that isn’t corrupt. Nancy Pelosi? Don’t make me laugh. Harry Reed? Can I throw up now? I’ve already mentioned Mayor Daley of Chicago, IL… How about Reverend Jackson? Also a Chicago native… also someone, despite him wanting to cut his balls off, who supports Obama (as well as his son).

And the mainstream liberal media hasn’t covered or reported any of this. You have to watch Fox News or listen to news talk radio to get any of this information… most of it, anyway. Some of it’s just too obvious to ignore.

I hope this opened your eyes to the true Barack Obama, at least a little bit. I know the Obamalade takes a while to pee out, but eventually you’ll rid yourself of the poison and rejoin the general population of self-thinkers.

Stay tuned, as I’ll jump into the Obamacies tomorrow… that’s “Obama Policies” for those of you still on the ‘lade.

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