Joe Biden: The Obama Gaffe Machine

Is there no topic Joe Biden won’t cover?  Is there no silencing Joe Biden’s constant attempts at blowing the Obama campaign’s chances of a presidential election?  I’m pretty sure that’s what Obama’s thinking right now; “What the hell… Will someone shut him up?!”  Yep, pretty sure that’s what’s going through his mind.

If you missed it over the weekend, allow me to expose you to the hottest topic in the fair media right now.  I say “fair,” of course, because the mass (read: liberal) media chooses to ignore it, only running the glimmering moments of the Obama/Biden rallies/fund raisers, as well as the hate mongering opportunists who are readily attacking Palin and McCain.

Well, Biden really did it this time.  In a democratic campaign that’s weary of the foreign policy topic and international relations, “Lunchbox” Joe decided to bring it to the forefront.  Not only did he bring up the topic of foreign policy, but he mentioned… no, he promised an international crisis within the first six months of Obama’s presidency, should he be elected this coming November.  To quote the man, “Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America.”

He then goes on to say, “Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

He further stated, “He’s gonna have to make some really tough – I don’t know what the decision’s gonna be, but I promise you it will occur.  As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it’s gonna happen.”

There’s absolutely more, but I’d rather not repeat what’s been said on so many other conservative blogs and in fair media outlets.  You can hear the whole thing by clicking here.  That link was provided on the FOXNews website.  It’s quite an interesting speech, being that Biden is suggesting that an Obama presidency is going to lead to a generated crisis, whatever that means.

Really, now… What does he mean?  The world is watching and a “generated” crisis.  Obviously he means to say that it’s going to be an international crisis, but does he mean we’ll be attacked?  Will another country in question do something atrocious or despicable?  Will we experience another 9-11?  Will Israel attack Iran’s nuclear facilities?  Will Russia finally move into Georgia and/or Ukraine?  Will Venezuela, who’s building a Russian-fed arsenal and Nuclear facilities of their own decide to attack us in some way?  Perhaps they’ll attack an ally?

I have no idea what he means.  Maybe he means another financial crisis on a global scale.  Maybe he’s talking about an expecting oil or natural gas crisis (which seems to be on the brink of occurring, thanks to Venezuela and Iran).  I really don’t know.

Now, my good buddy Charles, that you’ve noticed posts here every once in a while made a good point earlier on FaceBook (where many of my arguments/debates are held).  He noted that a vote should not be cast, based on fear.  I agree.  You should always vote for who you believe will (in this case) run the country in the best interest of the people who reside there.  In my opinion, you should also vote for someone who has shown that he has what it takes to actually be President, rather than someone who says he’s the guy.  Experience is certainly a viable characteristic, and Obama’s 143 days in the senate really doesn’t scream “I’m experienced!”

When Biden said what he said during this speech, was he insinuating that a country under the leadership of McCain would not experience a crisis?  That McCain wouldn’t be tested?

Obviously, Biden was trying to say that Obama has a strong back bone of some sort…  Where it is, I don’t know, but apparently that’s what people are telling me and they believe it’s there.  I’ve personally yet to see it, but maybe I’ll take your word for it.  I mean, he’s got to have a back bone if he wanted to have multiple town hall debates before the election… wait, that was McCain.  Well, he’s got to have a back bone if he was going to call Russia out on their foul play, when it invaded the sovereign country of Georgia, and hold them personally responsib… wait, wait… that was McCain, too.  Hrmm… Ahh, I’ve got it.  You probably saw his strong back bone, when Obama said he’d like to sit down with anti-American/terrorist leaders/dictators without preconditions… wait, that… no, that was Obama.  Interesting…

A crisis to come?  How about the downfall of America as a capitalist nation?  The beginnings of socialism anyone?  More economic instability?  Disturbing sentiments… almost as disturbing as the latest video going around the internet, using children to spout Anti-Palin sentiments and obvious lies.  I wish I could find a link for this, but I believe it’s already been taken down from YouTube and other sites.  Unfortunate, indeed…  I’d love to call out the liberals who put this together.

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