The Palin/Biden Debate: Deception vs Inexperience

Anyone that has seen the Palin/Biden debate can tell you how entertaining it was.  It had many more emotions and feelings invested from the two candidates than the first McCain/Obama debate.  Well, anyone that’s not a liberal or liar can tell you that (and has eyes or ears, of course).

I honestly walked away from the TV/interview thinking that again, nobody won, that the debate was run fairly and that both Vice Presidential candidates came out of that looking moral, friendly, and with integrity intact.  While this debate didn’t really have any gleaming moments for either candidate, it did have the feel of a successful and competitive one.

Many times, it’s difficult to follow everything that happens or that’s said during a debate, especially when it lasts for about an hour and a half to two hours.  Anything that long, can typically turn into a lecture-like experience, leaving the crowd/viewers dozing off or at least lose interest.

Leading up to the debate, Sarah Palin had been scrutinized and made to look a buffoon by the liberal media and the several interviews from those that would attempt to blind-side her with gotcha’ questions.  If not for Fox News and her several fair interviews with reputable commentators and hosts, the world would never see the true Governor of Alaska.  Unfortunately, liberal media rules the television sets with an iron fist, so the majority of people around the world will often only see the negative portions/aspects of each interview from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc for examples.

Charles Gibson and Katie Couric are two interviewees that come to mind, who felt it necessary to attempt to belittle Governor Palin during their interviews.  With one question concerning the Bush Doctrine, questions pertaining to the War on Terrorism (in Iraq and Afghanistan), another question concerning the newspapers/magazines she reads, etc… they were trying to get her to foul up.  In some circumstances, she handled herself quite well with poise, but at times she seemed frustrated and unable to answer the questions.  Of course, you can’t really trust these interviews, as the networks cut/chop them up into bits, so that they can make the interviewee seem like an idiot and unwilling or unable to answer certain questions.  Palin addressed this on numerous occasions and called out the liberal networks for what they were and what they were known for.

The debate, if there was no clear winner, certainly served a greater purpose, which was to show that Palin can and will handle her own, and will do so coherently and intelligently.  She didn’t fluster, she didn’t back down and she answered the questions for the people in the way that she wanted to address the questions.  Sure, she directed some questions down alternative routes, but she did so by announcing it.  She said she was going to answer it the way she wanted, or she said she was going to back track and answering a different question that she felt was more important.  She played to her strengths and did so flawlessly.  America saw the true Governor Palin that night and those that were unsure about her or who weren’t supportive of her, saw her in a different light.  She gained a lot of respect and support that night.

Biden, on the other hand portrayed himself in a respectful manner, while maintaining a relaxed and informal demeanor throughout the debate.  Both Gov. Palin and Sen. Biden remained on a comfort level that allowed them to call each other by their first names.  Something that lacked in the first debate with Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama.

Seemingly, he made little to no gaffs during the interview and really portrayed himself to be a humanitarian and relatable, while still being quite knowledgeable, due to his experience as a Senator.  Of course, Biden has been a Senator for over 30 years and has had the experience with media and debates on a Federal level, while Palin admittedly only had about five weeks of experience dealing with the same venues.

There were some moments, of course, where Biden would dig himself a hole, by lying about his past stance on Obama and issues that he previously disagreed with Obama about, as well as lying about experiences with the American people from his hometown.  What was interesting, was that Palin continuously called him out on it.  She constantly asked him to be honest with his past record, which clearly opposed Obama.  Did he?  No, he ignored her request/challenge.

Regardless, their tact was admirable and I didn’t come away from this disliking either one.  In fact, I respect Biden a bit more now than I had before.  He seems like a genuinely good man.  That, and Palin proved herself to the American people and liberal media, which I thoroughly enjoyed.  She seems like a very strong candidate and one that won’t bow down to the greed and corruption that has infiltrated the American government.

From the reports I had seen, the polls were mixed.  Some said Palin won, some said Biden won.  Typically, liberal media said that Biden won.  What I saw from Fox News was that it was pretty much a tie.  The Republican party claimed Palin won, and vice versa for Biden and the Democratic Party.  Who really won?  I really think it was a tie, but I think it served a greater purpose for Palin to have proven herself to the media and American people.

My next post will be about the more recent debate between McCain and Obama, which marks their second debate (of three).  It’s been at the forefront of debate amongst commentators on several news networks for several reasons, but I’ll get to that later. ;]


  • There you go again. A tie huh? Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

    My first thought after the debate: what is it with republicans and the word “nuclear”? Ever since Bush, it almost seems like the repubs have made a point out of misspronouncing that word.

    I will say this though; given that the focus of this debate was one thing, and one thing only, namely whether or not Sarah Palin would break like a twig from the pressure, I’d say she walked away surprisingly intact.

    That’s still not saying much. She could have started crying and called Biden and Ifill big meanies and she would still have performed above expectation.

    A lot of her answers were painfully nondescript and naive, making me wish the moderator was allowed to ask followup questions other than “your response?”. Like that part about how she’d deal with the mortgage crisis.

    “Let’s commit ourselves–just everyday American people, Joe Six-Pack, hockey moms across the nation–I think we need to band together and say, ‘Never again.'”

    Wow, yeah, what a detailed and thought out plan. What’s there left to say?

    On the whole, I thought Biden gave straighter, more nuanced answers to the questions, and I think he definitely outperformed Palin in the debate. And I think you must have heard wrong Kev, because I don’t think he even once referred to Palin as anything other than “Governor” or “Governor Palin”, which I think was a smart move. If he’d started calling her “Sarah”, he could have given the impression that he didn’t respect her.

    And I don’t think Palin asked if she could call him “Joe” because she wanted to be buddy-buddy with him. I’ll betcha any amount of money that the only reason for that was so that she could use that ditzy “Joe, say it ain’t so” line.

  • This was by far the most amusing debate. and Yes, Sarah Palin did better than expected. However, I can’t count how many times she didn’t answer the question that was asked or how many times she was vague in her answers. “Crap I don’t know the answer to that…umm….well gosh darn it, Joe.”

    She is the person who scares me the most in this election. I truly believe that if McCain gets elected he will try his hardest to be the best President he can be. I used to like McCain a lot. Though he used to be a more moderate conservative, that has changed in the past few years. She definitely has a real connection with people and that is good. But Sarah Palin is not good for this country.

    She claims to be a fiscal conservative and yet, she left her little hometown of Wasilla in over $20 million in debt because she opened a hockey rink.

    She’s too conservative on abortion. Even you don’t agree with her views as she wants abortion completely banned even in cases of rape and incest. With Supreme court nominations around the corner, She is not who I want as a potential President.

    She has no foreign policy experience. Say what you will about Russia being right next door. At least Biden has SOME experience.

    She made rape victims pay for their own rape kits in Wasilla…WHAT?

    She completely an knowingly abused her power by trying to get her ex-brother in law fired. The evidence is clear. If she’s going to behave like this in Alaska, what will she do in Washington?

    and Lastly, McCain is 2 years away from the average male life expectancy. With his history of Illness, I am not confident that he chose the right person to take over if he dies.

    Maybe I’m playing into your “Liberal Media” hype. I don’t care. I’m a dirty liberal and proud of it. But Seriously, I’ve done my homework and not just from your “Liberally biased” media. I just think Sarah Palin is out of her league.

  • Ok, can we cut the “People say Palin is an idiot, so I have to agree” shtick? It’s getting old and I see it spouted from indoctrinated liberals on a daily basis all over the internet. Please don’t liken yourself to the ignorant sheep of YouTube, because I know you’re not uneducated or without your own opinions. You’re only doing a disservice to yourself.

    Palin handled this debate like any other person in a debate would handle it. In fact, she did exactly what Obama does on a daily basis, when asked questions. He sticks to what he knows and segue’s his answers into his typical talking points. She did just this in the debate and handled herself perfectly. She also mentioned that she was going to talk to the American people in the way she wanted to address them. She was honest about her segues, unlike Obama (or Clinton in the past).

    I can’t understand how you can dislike Palin that much… Her story is real. She entered into politics, starting with her PTA, because she was unhappy with how her daughter’s school was run. She was unhappy about the education she was receiving and did something about it. She became mayor, and then she tackled the race for Governor. She ran against Republicans, called them out on issues and won. She’s been a success in Alaska and despite what the liberal media would have you believe, most of the accusations against her have been debunked and are completely false.

    They’ve run attack ad, after attack ad on her, they’ve cut up her interviews and they’ve treated her like dirt during the interviews. The only fair shake she’s gotten has been on FOX News and news radio talk shows, as well as the debate… where she could prove how intelligent and savvy she is.

    I admittedly never heard of her, before John McCain announced her for VP on the ticket, but from what I read about her and from her candor, she’s someone I can get behind and trust. She’s a great role model for women in America and she holds strongly to the constitution that’s made this country so great… you know, the one that’s given you freedoms and has allowed you to receive the education you have, and even allows you to voice your opinion and vote. ;]

    I truly find it interesting that the liberal democrats of this country don’t appreciate Palin’s staunch honesty, humor and resilience. Like John McCain, she’s about straight-talk, and I really dig that about her. She doesn’t dilly-dally around in the muck and bull, she just point-in-fact lays the issues out on the table. She can relate to the people, because she wasn’t born into money, she has a pretty large family, she doesn’t speak in elitist tongues and she’s open about the problems that exist in her life.

    It’s important to note, of course, that the citizens of Wasilla wanted a sports complex and voted on it. These things just don’t happen without votes. Yes, it was a large project and cost a lot of taxpayer money, but due to the economic growth of the community, their taxes would eventually drop the .5% they were raised (from 2%). To say that Republicans/Democrats do not build for the sake of the community they govern is ridiculous. That $20mil debt is due to be paid off by 2011/2012 by the way. The city councilman of Wasilla is now proposing to build a library for another $20mil. Guess Menard is an evil and reckless politician, as well. It’s well known that improvements in a community can inspire growth.

    I agree that Palin’s views on abortion are a bit too conservative, but I respect her decision. I’ve been on the line about abortion for a while now, though I’ve come to the conclusion that rape and the health of the mother (permanent health issues/death) should be made exceptions to the rule that abortion should be prohibited.

    You’re talking about her foreign policy experience? Obama has absolutely none, and he’s your choice for President… not Vice President. McCain has a vast amount of experience on this issue, which is why the liberals have been tip-toeing around it.

    As for the accusation that Palin “made rape victims pay for their own rape kits as Mayor of Wasilla? – I’m beginning to think that none of your points are original? You’re not just spewing polidiotic information from the left, are you? ;]

    Yes, she tried to get her ex-brother-in-law, Mike Wooten, fired… because he was a violent trooper. He tasered Todd Palin’s 10yr old nephew, threatened to taser their daughter, threatened the life of Sarah’s father with a “lead bullet,” etc. Yes… I think she was well within her right to have him fired. Abused her power? Ummm…. no. And yes, I’d like someone in Washington to act appropriately in matters such as these. Maybe she and McCain can get rid of some of the corrupt democrats in congress. That’d be nice. If you want to listen to the facts regarding the case, watch/listen here:

    Read some remarks in regards to the final decision of the court, here: CBS? Impossible.

    The mortality of McCain is such a tired and moot issue… look at his mother. She’s 95 and attending campaign events. Even if you look at McCain, he seems/acts perfectly well and is completely vibrant and full of life. I’ve no doubt he can finish his 4yrs, but even if he couldn’t, Palin would bring conservatism back to the table. ;] Bring her on in 4 more years, then give me 8. I’m all for it.

    Yes, you are a dirty liberal and I’m not happy that you’re proud of it. ;P We need to get you into a sterilization chamber to rid you of the nasty liberal bacteria/viruses. I disagree that you’ve done your homework, otherwise you wouldn’t have brought some of the issues up that you did. ;] You get a D+ for effort.

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