Traitors in our midst.

In a world where carrying Ron Paul bumper stickers and wads of cash amounting to over $50 is an act of terrorism (find out how you, too, can become a domestic terrorist in the eyes of the new Obama regime!), Democrats have no problem with carrying out treasonous acts, themselves. Yes, I called their acts treasonous. I’m prepared to defend that statement, since what I just read is anything but honorable or patriotic.

Six Democratic U.S. Lawmakers (U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif, Rep. Mike Honda, D-Calif, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill, Rep. Mel Watt, D-N.C. & Rep. Laura Richardson, D-Calif.) decided to take a trip to Cuba, in order to speak peace with Dictator Raul Castro and former Dictator Fidel Castro (yeah… brothers – that’s how it works in Communist Dictatorships… no voting… kind of like a Monarchy, but not as noble. He’s also a buddy of Ernesto “Che” Guevara… and that’s just super, considering he was a fear mongering tyrant, responsible for thousands of deaths).

Yes, these six Democrats, according to Cuba consider the United States as racist and we should apologize for our actions against Cuba. In fact, these U.S. Lawmakers think we’re a foolish people, because we haven’t spoken to these Communists (also responsible for the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 80s), and we’ve had a trade embargo with them for over 50 years. I wonder why…

I find this deplorable… especially coming from a former Black Panther… yes, I’m talking about you, Rush… you hypocritical, self-righteous, treasonous bastard.

I can’t believe that any of this is happening in this country… it’s an amazing wonderment. I see the walls of Freedom, Capitalism and Prosperity crumbling down around me. Enter a new era… the era of acceptance. But of who? Well… people like our President and the congressmen and women who inhabit the House of Representatives… Socialists, Marxists, Communists and generally all dictators. Enter the end of the great era of American prosperity, where we lead the way for the world in growth and innovation… welcome to Hell.

Oh, here’s the FOX report… Read it at your own peril:


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  • Hey, Thanks Bri. I’ll take a look at that plugin and hopefully get back to writing again. There’s just so much going on man, that it’s really overwhelming. You find something to gripe about and all of a sudden there are 20 more things on the plate. lol

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