The Final 4 Have Arrived… With 3 To Go!

Yep, it’s that time of year again, which happens every four years anyway. Presidential debate time! Last Friday was the beginning of the big three (plus 1 for the VP debate on Thursday), we’ve been waiting to see for so long… since King Obama thought it best not to have 10 throughout the campaigning period. One word: unprepared. Unprepared for debating… unprepared for handling tough questions and certainly and undeniably unprepared for running the Presidential office and this fabulous country.

So, we had our first deb… our first argu… our first. Ok, I have no idea what happened last Friday, because all I saw were two guys at separate podiums agreeing with each other and forgetting their lines. I was extremely disappointed when the racing gates were finally lifted and the bucking broncos were set free. Honestly, much bucking was not had and broncos… they were not. They both looked exhausted and that doesn’t bode well for McCain, since he’s already perceived as a man on his death bed. It also didn’t help that he made fun of himself, when he referenced his age-old pen.

Not much was said… and what was said had already been established. When it came to economic issues, McCain faltered. He had chance after chance to call Obama out and be on the attack, but never did. He seemed weak and like he was going to lose. Obama didn’t really do any better, since he was supposed to crush McCain in economics. He made some weak points and pretty much steered clear around the issue of the $700B bill that was to be voted on over the weekend (and didn’t happen until Monday of this week).

The issue of foreign policy and international relations allowed McCain to recover his footing. With the forgetting of a fallen soldier’s name, Obama was put to shame. Of course, McCain still missed some jumping points, where he could have pummeled Obama to the ground, but I suppose we’ll have to wait for the fireworks in the next debate.

I came out of this thinking that both candidates debated poorly. They both showed their weaknesses and they both failed to bring their emotions to the forefront, allowing us to see who they really are and to see what makes them heated. I’d love to see McCain get angry… to show America that he can and will be a strong leader. I want to see someone who believes in what they’re doing for their country. I don’t want to see a repeat of last Friday, where neither candidate looks prepared to be President nor look like they care to be there. I want to see McCain talking down to Obama, as if he were a child who doesn’t know any better… because that’s exactly what he is; a child. He’s an arrogant, ignorant, two-faced liberal, who shouldn’t be running for President, due to the fact that he’s only there as a liberal politic tactic.

Anyway… Palin vs. Biden is going to be on Thursday. Hopefully we’ll see some life come out of that one! Here’s a schedule of the upcoming Presidential debates. I hope you watch them and I hope you get to know who these candidates really are:

1. First Presidential Debate: (Result: TIE)
Date: September 26 “ Site: University of Mississippi “ Topic: Foreign Policy & National Security “ Moderator: Jim Lehrer “ Staging: Podium debate “ Answer Format: The debate will be broken into nine, 9-minute segments. The moderator will introduce a topic and allow each candidate 2 minutes to comment. After these initial answers, the moderator will facilitate an open discussion of the topic for the remaining 5 minutes, ensuring that both candidates receive an equal amount of time to comment

2. Vice Presidential Debate
Date: October 2nd “ Site: Washington University (St. Louis) “ Moderator: Gwen Ifill “ Staging/Answer Format: Debate will consist of both foreign and domestic policy questions asked by the moderator. Format will be similar to the presidential debates.

3. Second Presidential Debate
Date: October 7 “ Site: Belmont University “ Moderator: Tom Brokaw “ Staging: Town Hall debate “ Format: The moderator will call on members of the audience (and draw questions from the internet). Each candidate will have 2 minutes to respond to each question. Following those initial answers, the moderator will invite the candidates to respond to the previous answers, for a total of 1 minute, ensuring that both candidates receive an equal amount of time to comment. In the spirit of the Town Hall, all questions will come from the audience (or internet), and not the moderator.

4. Third Presidential Debate
Date: October 15 “ Site: Hofstra University “ Topic: Domestic and Economic Issues “ Moderator: Bob Schieffer “ Staging: Candidates will be seated at a table “ Answer Format: Same as First Presidential Debate “ Closing Statements: At the end of this debate (only) each candidate shall have the opportunity for a 90 second closing statement.


  • I just watched the debate a second time, so that I’d have it fresh in my mind when I replied to this, and all I can say is this: were we watching the same debate? A tie? Not even close in my opinion. And a lot of people seem to have felt that way too, as you could tell if you’d look at opinion polls of the debate. Like, say, here:

    And wait, what? Obama forgot the name of a fallen soldiers name? When? You’re not referring to that breif pause he made when he was about to say that it was from the Sergeant, when it was actually from the Sergeant’s mother, are you? The exact quote: “I’ve got a bracelet, too, from Sergeant – from the mother of Sergeant Ryan David Jopeck, given to me in Greenbay, and she asked me, can you please make sure that another mother is not going through what I’m going through.”

    And dude, I just have to object to your comment about Obama only being where he is because of a “political tactic”. He got where he is because he gained massive support among voters in the primaries, and not just democrats, but a good chunk of independents and a fair share of republicans too. Saying that he’s just some cheap liberal political tactic who shouldn’t be running is a slap in the face to everyone who voted for him.

    Also, how would talking down to someone score you political points? That seems more like a sure way to drop in the polls by double digits, and it kind of saddens me that you’d desire such political discourse, given that I support Obama. That sort of implies that you’d feel the same way about debating me. Senator Obama has earned every right to be where he is, as has Senator McCain.

    I think you need to start coming up with some actual points instead of pointless name calling. It does nothing to bolster your argument and just makes you seem disrespectful and childish.

  • First of all, you pulled from one web site, which has 100% of its poll sources pulled from liberal media, whereas I’ve heard from several news organizations (liberal and conservative), commentators/advisors/contributors, Radio Talk Shows, E-Mails, and pollsters that this was a tie. The argument across the board has been that neither opponent showed great strengths, nor emotional interest. You’re naive to think that one website will give you an overall opinion of the United States’… and your bias is a testament to your faith in the Great One.

    So yeah, this “Tie” conclusion wasn’t mine, but the overall majority that had been reported by various organizations, both reputable and not-so-much.

    As for “forgetting a soldier’s name,” I was referring to how he was so excited that he, too, had a bracelet, just like “John!” Yes, so excited, that for a moment, he forgot who he was talking about. Obama is notorious for bumbling around words and misspeaking, while there’s no teleprompter in front of him. I was just pointing it out. ;] Also, you can read a little tidbit about how he was asked not to bring up the fallen soldier’s name again, during his campaign, as Sergeant Jopeck’s parents felt that it was being used as a campaign tactic. You can read that here:

    And I want you to take a real close look at where I’m getting that information.

    So, you really think that Obama is ready to lead as President of the United States? You really think that he’s more qualified than Hillary Clinton and should have beaten her in the primaries? It’s funny how people never want to look at where these politicians are coming from and how they got there. He’s been given the fast track to the Presidency, due to the people he knows. He’s a political tactic and that’s pretty much it. You can argue your points all you want, but the fact of the matter is that he’s just regurgitating political jargon that he’s picked up along the way. I’m willing to bet that he doesn’t even know what he’s talking about 50% of the time.

    The majority of Republicans who voted for Obama did so, because they liked the way he spoke. In the beginning, he never defined what “change” was, but talked it up. People liked this. In the beginning, I liked this. He’s a great speaker, but that’s about it. Now, those that are true Republicans and/or conservatives realize who he is and what he aims to do. Voting for McCain is a touch decision, b/c he’s somewhat liberal, as well, but #1, he’s not as liberal as Obama and #2, he believes that America is great for what it is, not what it could be. Obama has lead a negative campaign for the majority of the last year+, claiming that America sucks.

    Perhaps “talking down” was the wrong way of putting it. Maybe I should have said that McCain should put him in his place… being that he is the most ignorant of the two. Obama is a rank amatuer, full of bias, hatred and self-importance. He needs a good talking to. Welcome to American Presidential Campaigning 101.

    It’s amazing how the Great One has pulled the wool over so many people’s eyes… even overseas.

    FYI, I’ll name call anyone I want and you’ll like it. Call me childish if you want, but this entire post was pretty much opinion. I’ve come up with several different points that you don’t like. If you don’t like them, you don’t have to agree with them. Fact is fact, opinion is opinion… my opinions are mostly fact-based, so there’s your conundrum. ;P

    Good day.

  • Kevin, you know I love you man, but it’s times like these that I have to wonder if you have any respect for me whatsoever.

    In my life, I have had two true passions; art and politics, with the latter probably trumping the former.

    With that in mind, do you honestly believe, for even one second, that I haven’t examined in detail everything both of these canditades stand for? I’ve been closely following this race for more than a year, and I knew early on who I liked and who I didn’t like. And I’m not just talking about the Dems. I looked at the Republicans too, and I was thoroughly unimpressed with their entire roster, with perhaps the exception being Ron Paul (I’d never vote for him, but it sure would have been interesting to see a libertarian candidate with a shot in the General).

    Trust me Kev, I know EXACTLY what Obama is about, and I know what McCain is about, and I’ve cast my support accordingly. Don’t take that as a blind commitment to Obama; he leaves much to be wanted and is far from perfect, but given the choice between him and McCain, the choice is easy.


    Now, as for that Soldier’s family being against Obama’s mentioning of his name, I thought you might want to read this:

    That guy in your article (a McCain supporter btw) was speaking on behalf of his EX-wife, so you know he’s completely unbiased, right?


    On the “tie” assertion you made, I’m going to need more than a couple of pundits and conservative talk radio hosts’ word for it. I am interested in the “pollsters” you mentioned though. A poll implies that they asked some actual people what they thought. Perhaps a few links to these completely non-partisan polls you speak of?

  • I really wish that I were able to record the news as it happens and then be able to show you, right here, what I’ve seen, but unfortunately I never realize that I’d like particular segments that I see on TV to be used in arguments/debates until it’s too late… and even if I did record it, I wouldn’t want to go through the hassle of trying to get it online, since that’s a lot of work that I won’t get paid for.

    Had I done this, I would have some perfect examples of the “tie” assertion that I made.

    It too me an entire day to get back to this, to finish what I wrote in that first paragraph, since it’s been so busy at work. I’ll just follow this up, if it’s necessary, when I get back home. ;P

  • Lawl.

    I thought this was your debunking blog? Well, here I am, the evil “liberal”. Debunk me!

    What, you thought debunking was an easy business? Something to do on your lunchbreak? You know what real debunkers do? They go through the hassle! They find the stuff they’re looking for and post their findings. This is the poorest excuse for a debunking site that I HAVE EVER put my eyes on! This will NOT do!




    Kidding aside, I do have some suggestions. IM me when you get home. 😛

  • lol, it’s more like I tried to think of a nifty, catchy tag line for my site name. ;P

    I’ll hit you up when I get back, and after I’m finished my twenty.

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